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Script Help Using the GiveItem function?
Cranky Old Man Offline
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RE: Using the GiveItem function?

(04-20-2012, 10:58 PM)palistov Wrote: The entity type "Item" has subtypes: Puzzle, PotionHealth, PotionOil, Key and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head. Basically designates what the item does. Not sure why this is required, but it can't hurt to put the appropriate subtype.
Thank you. That was hard to figure out. However, these are the correct subtypes of Item (that you can find by opening the model editor, selecting "User Defined Variables" in the menu, and setting the "Type" to "Item"):

Puzzle (Probably most items, including keys.)

This correct list will be the first on the internet, judging by the search results. Smile

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04-21-2012, 12:24 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Using the GiveItem function?

Bumped here, and YEAH it's old!
BUT... i found a small problem so i searched the forum and came here!
GiveItem("Parkingcard", "Sec_Blue", "Parkingticket", "Sec_Blue_cover.jpg", 1);
Parkingcard = THIS will be the actual USABLE item IN GAME can be used on entites.
Sec_Blue = the .ent file {the item itself} What you create or a file from Amnesia itself.
Parkingticket = for changing the name in the .english
Sec_Blue_cover.jpg = is the PICTURE you will see in the INVENTORY
Don't remove this thread Mods,
Some people might find this usefull for their custom storys {Fc}
07-23-2013, 02:28 AM

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