Hello I'v been working with a new custom storie a while but im still new

, So here is the Disc
You been knocked out and a wierd creature dragged you to an place , but you found a way into a chamber "The Lost chamber" and you discover a secret that no one have before....
Giving Cred to all those who helped me!!!

Love and respect
And Tell me what to do better

//JessehMusic Also Check out my music site "www.soundclick.com/jessehmusic"
EDITED NEW LINK!! 2012-02-01 , 09:12
EDITED NEW LINK!! 2012-02-02 , 7:35
http://speedy.sh/ZCpVq/Amnesia-the-lost-chamber.rar (NOTES FIXED)
EDIT 2012-31-03 13:57: hmm alot says to me that it is a few bugs in this storie i want a vote from you guys! If you want it to be fixed i do it , If not i wont //JHM