jo291 Wrote:wii maybye ps3 no it takes away the reason penumbra was made:interactivety and naturol mouse movements xbox360 same as ps3
Bare in mind, theirs a device to play first person titles or anyother game with a KB&M feel. Frag FX ring a bell anyone???
A playstation 3 version would be more interesting, maybe not as a full retail blu ray title but it would be great for playstation network, and pleasing for playstation network users who download games off of PSN like me.
Scraper Wrote:But sounds good if Developers are finally thinking to release it in consoles! 
Hopfuly they won't just go for the gold and port to a platform based on sales. 9.9
Diversity would be the best way to go with. If they only stick with one console platform their shooting themselves in the leg.