Jeremy-Bailey Wrote:do you suppose caps are harder to read because we're not use to seeing too many letters in cap, that our mind slows down just a tad bit more? or is it just me? not slow slow, but maybe a hair slower?
As a trained typographer

I can definitively say: ALL-CAPS IS HARDER TO READ BECASUE OF THE LACK OF VERIETY IN THE LETTERS. Most of them are based on full-height vertical lines, and subconsciously you have to take longer to tell which letter is which. You will have the same difficulty if you take the regular mix of upper/lower-case letters and stretch them vertically too much.
And to the OP review: as a hard-core fps addict, I missed my guns in this game.

but I agree that run-and-gun monster-fighting games are a dime-a-dozen, so what this game lacks in aggressiveness it makes up for in personality - I guess adding guns would be a bad idea for that reason. I do definitely think ep2 needs more variety in the enemies tho - at lease 4-5 species, as opposed to the previous 2. And I would like to see more weapons, just for variety, even if they aren't the kind that go boom (would more incendiaries be a decent compromise?).