(03-20-2012, 10:20 PM)stokesie95 Wrote: i am looking for someone or a team to join to develop amnesia mods. i have skills in scripting both .Hps files and LANG files. i have some skill in making but not in detail. if you would like to talk more reply to this thread or contact me at
i,d like to join you too!

if i were to say how good i was at the different parts of making amnesia custom stories i,d be
Level Editing 9/10 ( need a bit of skill with outdoor enviroment )
Scripting, .hps and .lang files 7/10 ( i see myself as good enough, but no pro )
Making Billboards 10/10 ( i,m quite good at it

modelling -10/10 ( i suck, i am really REALLY bad at this...
Hope to hear from you!