Gonna be honest... Thought it was pretty terrible. Half the scares ended with you dying two seconds after they happened which led to a rather dull and repetitive experience (for me personally at least). I spent about 5-10 minutes trying to get out of the first area since the gas on the cat walk was so thick it was impossible for me to tell if I was looking at it or not. Was scary the first time, pretty much every other experience I had with SCP-173 was more annoying than scary though. I definitely think it has potential, but at this stage it needs a LOT of work.
Oh and some black blob flew out of the floor at one point and I died a second later... Don't know what that was about...
If only they would add a flashlight...
I was in "Maintenance tunnel"
It's so dark I took off my gas mask.
I still died from nothing -.-
I have the save file, it won't load anymore.
I even went to the level 2 section, it was one room and a staircase
Hey! A new update for this.
SCP-Containment breach v0.1.2
Here's the changelog
- added two new rooms
- modified some of the textures
- added some new items
- added some new sound effects
- the main menu is now scaled to fit any resolution
- press F3 for a surprise
- fixed some bugs in the saving system
(04-16-2012, 12:55 AM)Statyk Wrote: I am on the modelling team for this. =]
I cannot play or watch yet though. I would like to have a run when it's complete.
If you're really on the modeling team, could you please tell me where the model files are? I'm looking forward to mod this game, but all I can mod is sounds
(05-02-2012, 03:34 PM)Finnishguy101 Wrote: If you're really on the modeling team, could you please tell me where the model files are? I'm looking forward to mod this game, but all I can mod is sounds
I'm not sure exactly how the engine works. I think the maps cache the models in the maps itself. If I'm not mistaken, the maps are .x files. Which if I'm not mistaken again, are models files basically.
I don't know, I just make the models, he uses them =P