I am going to remake normal(bump) and specular maps of the game and even change the original textures (diffuse)if needed,all new textures have same resolution as the original and the size of them are half so the new textures will raise the quality but won't need better system and you'll have faster loadings and need less memory.
For example the original hand_lantern texture is 1366KB but new one is only 683KB.
Actually I know an exclusive way of making better normal maps,but remember that Amnesia have very nice normal maps.
First I started with White night mod but someone told me it can be good if I do it for original Amnesia files so I edited the lantern and the hand as an start:
Here I added some scratches on the lantern and added some small wrinkle to the hand and now you can see the fabric of the clothes better than before.
Here is the comparison shot:
If you like it tell me so I will re make more textures for better quality and if creators of Amnesia accept I will release the texture pack.
Waiting for your comments.