Hello fellow Amnesia modders
I've recently been reading about lucid dreaming, and it's given me an idea for a mod -
Brief Description:
"Jerome's life is in ruin. His wife was murdered two weeks ago and it's caused his life to simply spin out of control. Debilitated by the mental stress he has gone through, he is unable to recover and barely gets enough money from his failing business to live day-to-day. He hates his life and is on the verge of suicide.
Yet, after all this, the one thing that keeps him from ending his life is something that isn't even real. While Jerome is unconscious, he is free, and through his dreams, his life shall heal."
Kind-of inspired by Yumi Nikki and Cry of Fear, Better Asleep is a mostly non-horror experimental mod that revolves around Jerome's dreams. There are four kinds of levels - Dreams, Lucid Dreams, Nightmares and Reality.
The story is set in a reasonably modern era, I haven't decided on an exact date but it'll be somewhere from the 70s to the current year.
I'm looking to get a team together; It's just me working on in at the moment.
The people I'd need would be:
- A mapper or two / creative people to come up with ideas for dreams c: I intend for there to be a lot of dreams and it'll be hard to keep things interesting if I'm the only mapper.
- A few voice actors; I need a male and a female actor. I'm sure I'd be able to find some willing people by searching the forum though c:
- And a modeller. I'll be using a lot of custom models/entities/textures from this forum (Also from Penumbra), and attempting to make some models myself, but I'm pretty amateur at modelling so if there's anyone who'll be happy to create a random model once in a while if I can't get one any other way (Or at least put a texture on something), it'd be a huge help

If anyone's keen, leave a post, PM me or add me on Steam :3
(Every custom bit used that isn't mine will have it's author in the credits, of course

...What does everyone think?