Can anyone tell me something about ifstate coding. because it seems to me very usefull in some points. but i havent really an idea how the script works. Just a few examples would be allready great
When player interacts with "CastleGate" it then start the function StartMap. IF the player have the item "lantern" = true, then it changes map... ELSE it displays a message on screen telling you to find the items.
thats how it works in my case, but you can just switch the script around to suit what you had in mind.
Yea I would have could it just "ifstate" instead of "ifstead coding". Because its no preticiliar type of coding. It is indeed something thats in every language software. But I just didnt remember the use of it anymore. I have a while ago used it in "website building part : JavaScripting". But its such a while ago that i kinda forgot