I noticed while browsing through the data folders of Cryostasis that it uses .dds files for walls, ceilings, floors, some physical entities and the likes, and was wondering if anyone knew an EFFICIENT way to use them in the HPL2 editor,
if any. Don't be ashamed in me if this is not possible because it's really just wishful thinking on my part. I tried to copy the files into the static_objects folder of Amnesia, and then again in the entities, and once more attempting to load the textures (if that's what they were) through... the texture browser. For lack of better words, I failed miserably and went on to playing Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi to kill steam. I just really don't want to use the same wall, ceiling, and floor patterns that almost everyone else is using for their custom stories and I've been poking around games trying to convert the hell out of models and the likes for that reason alone. (Games like- E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Prey, Doom 3) I've spent days attempting to come up with at least one, and again- have nothing original, or unique to build the setting I wish to create with the editor. (A Gothic, Bladerunner-esque type of Neo-Tokyo brimming with flashy neon lights and grimy alleys) I got The Confederacy's Nightmare mod and all of the walls and which-not in that custom story have allowed me to pursue some sort of alternatives to dirty castles, but I have to admit that they only work for small space vessels as venturing in larger halls have proven to make the levels look like a System Shock rip-off. I would make them myself, and I should- not that I won't ever get around to learning; but I'm just naturally better at concept and story. -.- Almost completely lacking on design. Help would be much appreciated!