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Penumbra: Black Plague Demo - Download Here!
Blade Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

well i didn't want to go and spoil everyone in my search for advice Tongue
02-08-2008, 12:35 AM
Penumbra Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

That is what was out the window in the vent with the red light? I just ran past and didn't look.
02-08-2008, 12:36 AM
WindexGlow Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

Yup. Ingame it has textures of course.

Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
02-08-2008, 12:39 AM
Penumbra Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

But I'm afraid of textures...
02-08-2008, 01:07 AM
WindexGlow Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

Penumbra Wrote:But I'm afraid of textures...

Damnit, you're going to eat it wither you like it or not!

Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
02-08-2008, 01:10 AM
Cactus78 Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

Just finished the demo on a Mac, using Crossover. It works, but you need to set the shaders to very low (No lighting) or else tearing will abound (And I mean, really abound). Even with no lighting I still enjoyed it. Smile Can't wait for the mac version! Big Grin

One funny thing that happened was:

Spoiler below!
In the area where you need to cut the electric wires to open the door to the room with the syringe inside, I grabbed the brick and threw it into the door. Noticing that it opened (for a time) a considerable amount, I threw the brick at it again. The brick got stuck between the door and the doorframe. I couldn't get it out so I grabbed a chair, stuck the back between the door and the doorframe, and tried to wedge the door open. (XD) I wiggled it a bit and the brick fell into the other room.

Maybe in the first patch increase the strength of constraints on locked doors or something.. (I have to admit though, trying to wedge the door open was pretty fun XD)
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2008, 02:42 AM by bart5986.)
02-08-2008, 02:39 AM
Blade Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

the physics engine is really, really nice in this game. I do look forward to it. I kinda hope it can be modded into a nice zombie game, as that's my forte Wink

I still haven't figured otu what to do AFTER that room that Cactus was talking about

Also, after seeing the excellent physics interactions, i was a tiny bit disappointed that i couldn't jam things in front of that one door to block it from being opened from the outside but the stuff was pushed otuo f the way as if it wasnt even there
02-08-2008, 05:36 AM
WindexGlow Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

I thought the levels were alittle too bright (I had gamma set correctly) so I'm creating a mini-mod to combat the forces of light.

You can expect some Demo files ready tomarroe.

Please -REP me.
Honestly, please do. I want to see how low I can go!!
Ignore that error message too. Just ignore it and keep going to give me -rep.
02-08-2008, 05:52 AM
TAM255 Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

Good demo. I'll buy this game. Fair price also.

I wish the texture could be in HI-RES in the next game.

Ho and btw, a huge demo size impress people these day. A small demo size let them to believe the game is not good. Pensez-sy biiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
02-08-2008, 07:23 AM
GFree Offline
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RE: Penumbra: Black Plague Demo is finally out!

TAM255 Wrote:Ho and btw, a huge demo size impress people these day. A small demo size let them to believe the game is not good. Pensez-sy biiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
That's a myth IMHO.

I've downloaded so many demos close to or more than a gig and yet still stuck (eg. GRAW 2). That and the fact my net connection isn't particularly fast, I much prefer smaller demos. If anyone's shallow enough to judge the quality of a game based on disk usage, they need a swift kick to the balls. Smile

Oh yeah, and I'm buying this game too. Just gonna wait for the Linux demo to compare performance with Vista and buy the one which runs faster. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2008, 08:29 AM by thechef.)
02-08-2008, 08:28 AM

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