As far as I am only at the beginning of the Chapter 6 I would not write anything... later. When I will walkthrough the whole game I will write a real review. Yes, I am writing exactly what I am writing "a review on a game", because it's not Custom Story, it's a fully self contained game... anyway, later, when I got finished.
Now I just wanted to show you a part of log file which might be interesting to you. I catched some crashes in the Cave map and... here you go...
Quote:-------- Loading complete ---------
WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/idle.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/idle.anm' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/idle.dae'
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/walk.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/walk.anm' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/walk.dae'
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/attack.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/attack.anm' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'C:/Program Files/Frictional Games/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/entities/critter/spider/animations/attack.dae'
ERROR: Could not load prop with id 1864
-------- END LOAD ---------
-------- Loading map '' ---------
And to make it clear, yes, I've been crashing on meeting spiders. In particular near a hole in the cave-floor with a lots of them spiders. I got a clean installation, I mean at the moment I got no HPL engine instruments installed. Just a game, nothing for modding. Maybe those crashes are happening because of that. I do not know.