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Having some trouble, not urgent, help appreciated. Error: Renderer #0
fredbassmaster Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago Having some trouble, not urgent, help appreciated. Error: Renderer #0

I'm having the same difficulty as many have had with this game. I have a Samsung RV511 with a 2010 Intel graphics driver and when I try to update it from 8.15 to the new driver 15.28.8 (2012) the .exe wouldn't work so I tried manually doing the "have disk" method and it tells me my windows cannot allow the installation of the new 15.28.8 and that my driver is already the most updated version. This, I am trying to get on live chat with a samsung rep, but if anyone encountered similar problems, even if it means my computer is "incompatible" it would be nice to hear a solid answer of whether it can or it can't run on my computer. Thanks. (I've tried many different combinations on lowering my graphics, tried disabling everything)
I totally understand where some people are coming from but its just an unfortunate fact that Not everyone is tech savvy. I'm tired of hearing fellow customers telling people with trouble "oh its your fault" or "should have tested the demo beforehand" I mean people buy much simpler products than games to say the least even a screw-in hose for the yard and if that circumference doesn't fit on your outdoor faucet the guys who sold me the product never goes "you better change your whole faucet in order to use our hose," they give us different options for the money we paid to adapt to our circumstance. When it comes to customer's spending money, it should be in that order of manner, in all business related aspects whether it is products or services.
Anyways, that was for the trolls. I'm seeing moderators on these forums trying really hard and explaining extensively how to make this game work for everyone with every possible computer and that gives me a reassuring feeling that this game was money well spent. I won't get to play the game today, maybe not tomorrow or even the next week, but hopefully someone in a similar situation as me figures out a solution and posts their results. As for now, any feedback or even possible suggestions would be great. Thanks and I understand that when reading posts whether in forums or comment sections on certain sites, its really easy to assume that the poster behind the computer is ill-mannered or self centered due to the way the post reads and our assumption of how real people talk, but I just wanted to make sure that I am a normal average friendly guy with barely any ego and I simply let go of some frustration but in no way was my intention of making the reader upset, revengeful, or annoyed. If so I apologize and wish a great rest of the weekend. Thanks
06-04-2012, 12:36 AM
fredbassmaster Offline
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Solved: 9 Years ago RE: Having some trouble, not urgent, help appreciated. Error: Renderer #0

I made it work on this crappy intel driver =) 5+ hours of research and trail and errors and I finally got it to work, extremely smoothly too. If you are stuck as I was a few minutes ago, PM me and I will give you step by step directions.
06-04-2012, 02:06 AM

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