Hello everyone, im having a problem the the game sounds. And it only seems to happen when i play amnesia, no other games cause that. When i launch the game and the menu appears, i start to get strange noises on my headphone and i have confirmed that the headset isn't the cause of this. Since i couldnt attach the wma file i uploaded it to mediafire here it is:
http://www.mediafire.com/?f3gr4a4n6do0m64 (no virus checked it with norton end point protection

my computer specs:
pentium 4 3.2 ghz
nvidia geforce 9600 gt
4 gb ram
sound card : "Creative sb audigy 2 zs" and yes my sound card drive is up to date.
OH and one more thing. This noise seems to fade as the games own sound gets louder but then when i get to a silent part it comes back and it only comes out of my headphones left right ear. Even after i quit the game this noise just keeps coming.... I tried watching a film and it faded a lot but i could still hear it

The reason im posting it here is because it only appears when i play amnesia, i never had this problem before with no games or programs

Got any ideas?
Ps: the noise completely disappears after some time (only if the game isnt running).