(06-05-2012, 05:44 PM)Robosprog Wrote: (06-05-2012, 04:59 PM)PewDiePie Wrote: (06-05-2012, 12:23 AM)Danarogon Wrote: Welp thanks guys! this has proven that i can start a flame wars whit a simple "once upon a time text"... Draco you lost the bet!
(06-04-2012, 08:56 PM)PewDiePie Wrote: CowardlyDog Wrote:MOST OF THEM find it from memes, 9gag posts and last but not least youtube videos. And those give them wrong impression about the game.
Shouldn't you be arguing with the creator of this thread then?
point taken
pewdie don't get me wrong i really like your videos but sometimes your fan community annoys me a bit 
Don't worry man I was just playing 
I totally get that anyway ^^
Am I the only one who whenever seeing Felix post in a thread expect people who hate your fans/content to literally start frothing at the mouth and slamming their keyboards in a hate induced rage?
I think (and hope) it's because some may not like my content or my fans but they don't hate me directly as a person at least (or not xD). Either way, I respect everyone's opinion and I'm really not here to argue with anyone. ^^