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What kind of games do you like?
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: What kind of games do you like?


[Image: damascusrose2.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-19-2012, 07:55 PM by Damascus Rose.)
07-19-2012, 07:55 PM
Krokberg Offline
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RE: What kind of games do you like?

Always been a fantasy nerd, always will be. So I love fantasy games, and I consider Amnesia survival-horror-fantasy, though as George R. R. Martin stated in Dreamsongs vol. 2, genres are nothing but furniture, in the end all that really matters is the human heart in conflict with itself. So I love fantasy, but most of all fantasy with good stories. Same applies for games. Loved the Amnesia story and the way it unfolded through the game, giving the player hints about the truth and things to come. I also like Skyrim, even though the storylines weren't really mindblowing (maybe except for Dark Brotherhood, I liked that one), I like it because it's a good and entertaining game. Also, the Witchers are great, love number 2, hated the Kayran (god f**king dammit, that thing was annoying). I also love turn based games, and tactical games. The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age was one of my favorite games when I was younger, still love it. Never been a fan of FPS. My friends won't let me play BF3 because I just drive around in a car trying to destroy the world like some brain-damaged ten year old (but aren't we all ten year olds, deep inside, somewhere?).

If you could see yourself through someone else's eyes
would you be proud of what you see?
07-19-2012, 08:53 PM
spukrian Offline
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RE: What kind of games do you like?

I like the following types of games:

*Computer roleplaying games
*Classic first person shooters
*Old school point & click adventure games
*Stealth games

Stand for something
Fall for anything
07-19-2012, 08:57 PM

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