"999 is a text adventure game that follows the story of Junpei, a college student who finds himself involved in a deadly conspiracy. He and 9 others have been kidnapped and must play a series of deadly games to win their freedom...
In Nine Hours players only have hours before Junpei and 8 other kidnapped victims are drowned. Numerology, music composition and logic puzzles are just a few of the 32 + obstacles that stand in the way of their freedom. Then in 9 Persons Jumpei must uncover the mystery surrounding the lives of the captive characters and how their blurry pasts reveal a disturbing future. Finally in 9 Doors each hostage is cursed with a digital watch that displays their special number. These numbers are the keys to unlocking the 9 doors. Jumpei must explore his surroundings for clues to unlock the next door by picking up and examining objects in the different environments."
So, i think this game its one of the best games ever released.Seriously, the plot and the puzzles are just genius. I cannot recomend it enough, if you have a DS, you should have this. This game, despite being a point and click, has some parts that scared me even more than Amnesia.
Could someone give me a link to a tutorial of scripting to begginers?
Warning: This custom story isnt going to have any kind of monsters, it will be only puzzles.