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Amnesia trance remix
Googolplex Offline

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Amnesia trance remix

I found an awesome video.
Many of you know that the Back Hall music possibly is the most beautyful melancholic music of all time.

Someone made a remix of that music, please listen the full song, it's really nice.

06-15-2012, 09:05 PM

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RE: Amnesia trance remix

Trance music... ruins everything.
I don't understand why people remix things like this.
Remix's sap the talent from the origianl song.

[Image: monthebiffybackgroundss.jpg]
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06-15-2012, 09:19 PM
Googolplex Offline

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RE: Amnesia trance remix

Yeah, it's not thought to replace the original game title, it's just for fun.
And I think, trance music could be very relaxing and emotional.
06-15-2012, 09:22 PM
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

It wasn't too bad, but it was boring.

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
06-15-2012, 09:42 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

Whilst I do love any eletronic music style, this is probably the worst trance I've heard in ages.
06-16-2012, 04:06 PM
Jdog8998 Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

Wow...you people are incredibly insulting and arrogent. Just because you don't understand someones art doesn't make it bad. Its all opinion. Sometimes I hate going onto this forum, I think the moderators could be managing these forums a little better...if there even is one. But seriously...attitude adjustment.
07-03-2012, 06:35 AM
Adny Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

(06-15-2012, 09:22 PM)Googolplex Wrote: Yeah, it's not thought to replace the original game title, it's just for fun.
And I think, trance music could be very relaxing and emotional.
Thank you for the laugh.

Jeez, I know artistic views differ from person to person, but going so far as to say something like this has even the slightest hint of emotion, or the fast paced tempo could be considered relaxing, is just ridiculous.

Also, @Jdog8998

You're equally "insulting and arrogent" for saying that the people who speak negatively towards this type of music don't understand it. In fact, I think it is because they understand it so well is the reason for the negative comments. There is no doubt in my mind a wonderfully composed piece for a wonderful game was just ruined.

I rate it 3 memes.
07-03-2012, 06:51 AM
Jdog8998 Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

Quote:Yeah, it's not thought to replace the original game title, it's just for fun.
And I think, trance music could be very relaxing and emotional.
Thank you for the laugh.

I know artistic views differ from person to person, but going so far as
to say something like this has even the slightest hint of emotion, or
the fast paced tempo could be considered relaxing, is just ridiculous.

Also, @Jdog8998

equally "insulting and arrogent" for saying that the people who speak
negatively towards this type of music don't understand it. In fact, I
think it is because they understand it so well is the reason for
the negative comments. There is no doubt in my mind a wonderfully
composed piece for a wonderful game was just ruined.
am saying beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there is no good or
bad, only perspective. I stand by what I said. If you go to a philosophy
or psychology class, what I said is backed up by science. Last
response, I giving you my 2 sense. See, scientifically speaking your emotions
and feelings are a reflection of your mental state, not what you hear.
How you perceive things and react to them is a reflection of your inner
brain chemistry and your natrual sensing abilities. Thus is why people and animals enjoy different things.
Dogs will roll in shit, people will not because they each see them as
different objects all together. Some wild animals see shit as a food
source, why some do not is because they are each seeing it as something that
the other is not. This means that what we perceive is actually a
projection of feelings that is determined by our own selves and that others very. That means
that inferiority and superiority don't exist, it just makes you troubled
. Sleepy
So you see, scientifically speaking by calling something bad simply
because you say so means that you automatically think that your views
are better than everyone elses because you would have to believe that
your way is the only way in order to reject something entirely. Instead
of learning to see things through others eyes you only belief in
yourself and your statement backs that up, thus is why you are acting
that way. I am not saying that your inferior, I'm saying people need to
open their minds. So I am in fact not as bad because I am not saying
people are inferior or my view better, I am saying that they are blind. Those are two
different things. I would like to see what you have to say to that. All
you pretty much said before is that "I'm right your wrong". I'm not saying you have
to enjoy it, I'm saying be respectful of others artistic visions because
its somthing you gotta do to maintain order in a society. This is common sense and is somthing that the USA is built on, aka the constitution. I'm simply
stating that your not right or wrong, I'm saying that it is not humane to act that way.
However, I am not calling YOU inhumane, I'm simply stating that's whats
happening on this forum. Nothing wrong like enjoying this music and
whatnot, but disgust is something that takes a self preserving state of
mind, which in this world causes disorder. Lets take the USA and the
constitution as an example. This country is falling part over here, why?
Because people arn't following the constitution. How is that so?
Because politicians have the exact same mentality and think they can say
what stays and what goes. So they go around telling people what stays
and what goes because they think they THEIR VIEWS are superior to others,
and that requires the mental reason and philosophy that I mentioned
previously. So you see, we are looking at modern day corruption. I
however, I am stating any of these things. The definition of arrogant is "Having or displaying a sense of over bearing self-worth or self-importance" meaning that I am not a hypocrite because I am not calling any one of you inferior or superior. Which would mean your point is entirely incorrect, making you...well... wrong. I have done nothing wrong, lol. I'm sticking up for the guy who made it. I myself don't listen to trance, BUT, I still respect the guys cover. Because I'm open minded and can see the art in it, doesn't mean I have to enjoy it though. Just means I'm not arrogant. So, I stand by what I said. I ain't going to respond again because every possible thing you would say to me regarding this subject could be responded too using this exact statement. So yeah. This is why I asked for moderators. Its because they stand for and enforce THE SAME EXACT PHILOSOPHY I JUST MENTIONED. You cannot deny that, any time you go to a forum site that is large and popular, there is an agreement you have to read and agree to which carry the same philosophical functionality that I just mentioned above. Because in world of order, this is fact. I'm not going to to say anything more about this. Science says I'm right, and I go to college and study as a profession. I think I would know what I am talking about in this situation. Not to say that I know everything, because that would make me arrogant. I am simply defending what I love, which does not make me a hypocrite because love is not self preservation, meaning you cannot apply my philosophical formula to what I said because love is selfless. But I will say that you just got owned.
07-03-2012, 10:53 AM
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

I like this.

07-03-2012, 11:25 AM
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Oscar House Offline
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RE: Amnesia trance remix

The danger with walls of text is that you might end up contradicting yourself.

(07-03-2012, 10:53 AM)Jdog8998 Wrote: I am saying beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, there is no good or bad, only perspective.

In xPICKLEMONSTER's perspective
trance music ruins everything.
In Damascus Rose's perspective the remix wasn't bad, just boring.
In Traggey's perspective this is the worst trance he's heard in ages.

[Image: 2exldzm.png]
07-03-2012, 12:05 PM

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