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Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab
lowenz Offline
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Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

Simple question: how can i open this door? Big Grin

Thanks! Smile
02-14-2008, 12:27 AM
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Janakev Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

Ah, this was a good one.
Spoiler below!
Notice that the door is shut due to the nearby gas leak. Around the corner from the pipes there should be some debris and a piece of piping. Grab a lump of the concrete with the brick in it and hit the piece of piping that's leaking gas. Perpendicular to that there should be piping with a protective cap on it. Hit the cap.
Now, go back and get the piece of piping. Bring it back to the pipe you've just broken and use it to divert the pipe into the one which you just broke the cap off.
02-14-2008, 12:31 AM
NeroAngelos Offline

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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

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You need to get the substance out then turn the valve
02-14-2008, 12:32 AM
lowenz Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

Janakev Wrote:Ah, this was a good one.
Spoiler below!
Notice that the door is shut due to the nearby gas leak. Around the corner from the pipes there should be some debris and a piece of piping. Grab a lump of the concrete with the brick in it and hit the piece of piping that's leaking gas. Perpendicular to that there should be piping with a protective cap on it. Hit the cap.
Now, go back and get the piece of piping. Bring it back to the pipe you've just broken and use it to divert the pipe into the one which you just broke the cap off.
Strange, i did that before but the door is closed again.
02-14-2008, 12:35 AM
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Janakev Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

You got by that part and are now inside the chemical labs?
02-14-2008, 12:36 AM
lowenz Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

I'm here Big Grin
Spoiler below!
[Image: wevk9.jpg]
02-14-2008, 12:45 AM
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Janakev Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

Ah, I see. Well (spoilering in case anyone else doesn't want to know):
Spoiler below!
Back in the Research lab there's a computer that you have to use to unlock the door.
02-14-2008, 12:50 AM
tdk Offline
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RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

how can open other door, when we go up in this door.
02-16-2008, 09:43 PM

RE: Remote Controlled Door in Chemical Lab

If you grabed the gas mask off the floor back in the room with the dead guy way back in the rooms with 2 laser bomb traps and the crushing metal box you don't have to worry about the gas.

Oops..I was wrong. I thought the doors opened with the Dr,s PC. well they do but you still have to take care of the leak.
02-17-2008, 07:11 AM

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