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Just my luck.....
Kman Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 01:20 PM)spukrian Wrote: I'm unsure if I should write this but
Spoiler below!
the book is called House of Leaves and is written by Mark Danielewski.
I've actually heard about that book, I heard it was really good but I never got around to reading it.

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07-08-2012, 04:15 PM
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Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Internet troll is a troll... if you believe half of the stuff here the guy who made this thread will just be laughing on front of the screen... freaking teenagers that believe in everything on the net...
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 06:31 PM by Danny Boy.)
07-08-2012, 04:23 PM
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failedALIAS Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-07-2012, 05:05 PM)Kman Wrote: I was in a Skype call with him at the time when it happened, Obliviator even sent a picture to prove it, it happened. Plus having heard her talk with others and briefly talking with her over group Skype calls before I can guarantee you she is mentally sane (or at least if she does have a mental disorder it's not intense enough to cause something like that). And this didn't just happen when she was sleeping, there were a couple of times where (or at least according to Obliviator at the time) she was totally conscious and cuts randomly started appearing. And, I'm sorry, but I highly doubt you could make multiple large cuts run down your body just because you thought about it really hard. And to my knowledge this whole event only took place over one night, so if that whole power of suggestion thing you brought up was really at work here, it probably would have continued happening.
Isn't it interesting that nobody ever says "I've actually had some violent paranormal shit happen to me", but instead you can never hear the end to "Shit's true -- happened to my friend once." I've never met one person that claimed to personally experience something, though even if they did there's no evidence it transpired.
Interesting side note; Are you aware that some humans will spend years of their lives going through college getting a degree, just so they can then boast that the freaky-dumbshit they believe is true? Did you know children will not do anything even remotely close to this because they know it's a useless waste of time? Also, people will then bring up some random person or event that they believe completely falsifies what another says.
07-08-2012, 05:59 PM
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Now that everyone is sharing their paranormal stories I will share mine. I had a dream when I was younger about a video game and what happened the next day is the exact same thing that happened in the game. I must be some freaky psychic or something that is some paranormal shit right there!!!!!!!

But really I have no idea if this guy is legit or not, but even so it is an interesting story.

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 06:48 PM by Damascus Rose.)
07-08-2012, 06:44 PM
spukrian Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 04:15 PM)Kman Wrote: I've actually heard about that book, I heard it was really good but I never got around to reading it.
It's a great book, but quite difficult to read. It's a bit "experimental" at times...

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07-08-2012, 07:26 PM
Statyk Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 04:23 PM)Danarogon Wrote: Internet troll is a troll... if you believe half of the stuff here the guy who made this thread will just be laughing on front of the screen... freaking teenagers that believe in everything on the net...
Dude, you need to chill out. You're the worst skeptic I've ever seen and you've been quite snappy on the forums lately. I don't know what it is but don't project it MY way. You mock others for something they believe in, yet you preached the opposite in the Sexuality thread. Look. I'm not saying Big Foot exists, or the Loch Ness Monster, or Godzilla, or that aliens caused 9/11 or some shit like that. I am a believer of GHOSTS and some spiritual situations. I do not believe in possessions as I believe that is more of a disorder of the brain, ghosts are the one single paranormal thing I believe in because I have been a victim of it.

If you're interested in READING MY STORY, read this paragraph, but you saying it is fake or I troll is absolute bullshit because you CANNOT prove it is not, and neither can I other than the fact that I LIVED THROUGH IT and you were not there to experience the freezing fear I felt that day. The day I couldn't move because I didn't know how to react to what happened.
Spoiler below!

About 3-4 years ago, I came home one day from school, OF COURSE, alone at a previous house we lived in. My sister usually comes home at the same time I do but she had to stay after for a project, and my parents and older brother were at work. I came in in the side door, which maybe 3-4 feet in front of it, is the door to the basement. SIDENOTE, the basement door opens maybe 30-40 degrees until it begins to scrape on the hardwood floor that welted up because of deformation. I went through the side door and DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME, I made sure to check that the basement door was shut, and it was. I continued through the right to the kitchen and grabbed a snack like I do every day. I went around the side and continued into the living room, sat on the corner of the couch next to the wall separating me from the staircase down to the basement. About a half hour later, maybe a bit more.. I swear on my damn life (and I never swear that great), I began to hear stomping up the basement staircase. (I have to take a few breaths typing this. This haunts me like it happened yesterday...) The way I can describe it is that it sounded as though my dad (who is 5'10", about 225lb muscle), wearing work boots, charging up the stairs as though he were angry enough to beat my ass. This stomping was aggressive and heavy, my eyes followed the wall were this "person" would be climbing the stairs. I was separated by drywall from this THING. I was frozen at this time. I couldn't move I was so terrified... I just followed the sound. As it reached the top of the staircase, I thought, "maybe I'm imagining this... But please for the love of all things sacred, DO NOT open that door..."

I heard the latch grab, twist, and the door swung open, scraped the hardwood welted floor, and the latch released... I was waiting to hear someone walk into the kitchen, but there was not a single footstep into the kitchen, OR back down into the basement. The basement staircase is solid, old wood, it creaked everywhere, anywhere on each step. I've tried to sneak down there one time and it creaked on maybe 90% of the steps... I was still frozen, staring at the doorway into the dining room, and nothing showed... Maybe a minute after the door was opened, I finally got up, and walked back into the kitchen. The basement door had to be opened to maybe 70-80 degrees... I was terrified to even touch it. But I walked over, checked downstairs, and NO ONE was down there. I shut the basement door and continued to the living room where I sat in horror, listening for any sound until someone came home...

If you call me a liar, I will call you a disrespectful troll. I would not waste my time coming up with something like this to amuse anyone. This happened to me and I can swear on my life that it did... I will never get it out of my head...

And I was in a Skype call with Obliviator27 when I heard her convulsing. I was shown cuts and they did not look pretty. Obliviator laughed when I told him my story because he is a skeptic, and seeing skeptics get a kick in the ignorance gland with experiences like this brings a smile to my face. But I'm worried about the friend of his.. She's actuallya nice girl, quite fun to talk to =] She's as normal as everyone else.

There are people that I believe when they say ghostly things happen to them, but there are many many more that I think lie their asses off. I believe in ghosts, I am one to jump to a logical conclusion before jumping to "OMG THE POWER WENT OUT, GHOST. ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION"... But if you can explain to me how I heard solid boot stomping up my basement stairs, the latch grab, and a door swing open, AND NO WAY INTO THE BASEMENT FROM OUTSIDE, then PLEASE. Amuse me.

As for the OP, it's tough believing what's going on in there, honestly, but I'd like to hear more. If you have visual proof you can share, that'd be awesome.
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 09:24 PM by Statyk.)
07-08-2012, 09:19 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

I levitated my bike once.
07-08-2012, 09:22 PM
Statyk Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 09:22 PM)Traggey Wrote: I levitated my bike once.
Fuck you

With love.
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 09:31 PM by Statyk.)
07-08-2012, 09:26 PM
failedALIAS Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

(07-08-2012, 06:44 PM)Damascus Rose Wrote: Now that everyone is sharing their paranormal stories I will share mine. I had a dream when I was younger about a video game and what happened the next day is the exact same thing that happened in the game. I must be some freaky psychic or something that is some paranormal shit right there!!!!!!!

But really I have no idea if this guy is legit or not, but even so it is an interesting story.
Did you only remember your dream when the event you had "predicted" was occurring?
07-08-2012, 09:45 PM
palistov Offline
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RE: Just my luck.....

Ghosts totally exist.

My step-mom was married to her first husband Mario and lived in El Salvador. He worked as a crop duster. About 2 years after her second child, Mario Jr. was born, Mario Sr. died in an accident.

Of course, Mario Jr. was too young to understand his father was gone forever. About a week after his father passed, Mario Jr. was in his crib in the middle of the night making noises and yelping, as if he was playing with somebody. My step-mother peeked out to his crib and saw Mario Jr. grabbing the bars of his crib and rocking back and forth, laughing.

When she walked out to quiet him down, she asked him who he was laughing, talking and playing with. And of course, he said "Papa!".

(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 09:52 PM by palistov.)
07-08-2012, 09:48 PM

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