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Why i think call of duty is shit.
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

I can't believe I haven't voiced my opinion in this thread yet. I haven't read all of the previous comments so forgive me if I tread on old ground.

I think Call of Duty's main trademark gameplay style has a ton of potential. If you mix a good motivation for a "mission", and a good gameplay feel of the "mission", Call of Duty can be a truly adrenaline pumping game. Remember in COD 4 when you were up in the sky shooting support fire in the airplane? It shouldn't have been, but it was totally awesome. Another example is in MW2 where you can control a missile mid-flight every short while. The pace of that level was great, because you could shoot, finish missile recharge, fire the missile, own everything, then listen to your kill count. The pacing is perfect because it presents an appealing "rounds/cycles" sort of play.

It shows that if Call of Duty thinks itself through, and minds its pacing, it can make you excited, and you'll feel great playing it. But over 70% of the time, probably even 80% they fall short. There's great potential, but they fill it up with generic point A to point B shooting. This will drag down a game, but I can buy that to a degree if the plot, and motivation behind my actions are good enough to make up for the gameplay pacing. A lot of the time though, the mission (Not the plot, they're different) will be about something I couldn't care less about, and that will just make it boring...as where my hands are in the game, but my mind, and heart isn't. I'll be just blindly following the game without emotional reaction. Thankfully though I have yet to encounter a COD title which induces this effect for over 50% of the game. Similar to what I said earlier, there are shining moments in the gameplay which are really awesome, and I have to give the series credit for that.

A reason I dislike the series, which is similar to many other people, is that while the gameplay can be fun at times, I do not want to have fun with almost the exact same things every time. It's fun sometimes I'll admit, but I do not want to pay 60 dollars to have fun with something I've already had fun with last year.

Now I'll head over to the actual plot, and storylines of the games. It's hard to judge the whole series in general, as there have been varying quality in the plot all the way up to MW3 in my opinion. I'll just say my most loved, and most dislike of the series.

For me, Black Ops was completely EPIC. The Cold War background made for some really interesting gameplay elements, but what impressed me most of all was the plot. It was executed so well, and intrigued me in a way I had not thought COD could ever do. The plot was able to push the game forward, and keep me wanting to play, to find out what was happening. I have to say Black Ops had single-handedly made me like Treyarch more than Infinity Ward, which is also why I'm looking forward to Black Ops 2 to see if they can produce another sleeper hit.

Contrastingly, I absolutely hated MW3. The plot was boring, and I mean really boring. The whole thing just felt dragged on through, and they didn't do Soap's character justice in the way they wrote him off. The gameplay is representing all the bad aspects I've come to expect out of the series. The only emotional point for me in the game was when the Eiffel Tower fell over. That's gotta count for something.

So my verdict of the series? I'll say that COD has had its high, and lows, but it's undeniably a series with great potential. But if it wants to truly win back the gaming community, it needs something more inventive out of it soon.

Before anyone kills me for anything though, I'll just say that most of what I've written above is only my personal opinion.
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2012, 10:24 PM by Kreekakon.)
07-25-2012, 10:20 PM
Zaari Offline

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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

I don't hate Call of Duty, I just hate its idiot fanbase. They seem to have a thing for insulting any games that aren't in the CoD franchise, and usually using "shitty grafics!!1" as their main argument.

"Marzipan, darling."
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2012, 10:29 PM by Zaari.)
07-25-2012, 10:26 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

(07-25-2012, 10:26 PM)Zaari Wrote: I don't hate Call of Duty, I just hate its idiot fanbase. They seem to have a thing for insulting any games that aren't in the CoD franchise, and usually using "shitty grafics!!1" as their main argument.
I wouldn't really worry about them, the crazy-level "anti-fanbase" seems to be way bigger.
07-25-2012, 10:30 PM
Zaari Offline

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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

(07-25-2012, 10:30 PM)Kreekakon Wrote: I wouldn't really worry about them, the crazy-level "anti-fanbase" seems to be way bigger.

"Marzipan, darling."
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2012, 10:32 PM by Zaari.)
07-25-2012, 10:32 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

(07-25-2012, 10:32 PM)Zaari Wrote: Luckily.
Not really. I think way over half of those people hate on COD, and have no idea what they're talking about.

I'd take a guy who loves COD, and can justify his own reasoning, and opinion of it over anti-COD crazies anyday.
07-25-2012, 10:36 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

(07-25-2012, 10:38 PM)Robosprog Wrote: Because nobody who dislikes CoD has EVER justified it, hm?
Of course not. Plenty have. I was referring to the people who just scream COD sucks without any real reason.
07-25-2012, 10:41 PM
Zaari Offline

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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

(07-25-2012, 10:36 PM)Kreekakon Wrote: Not really. I think way over half of those people hate on COD, and have no idea what they're talking about.

I'd take a guy who loves COD, and can justify his own reasoning, and opinion of it over anti-COD crazies anyday.
Actually, that's a very good point. Reading some of the responses on this thread, quite a few of them don't appear have any "real" reasons for calling CoD shit. I feel like many of the ones who responded don't really hate CoD, but are just bashing at it because of the crazy fanbase.

"Marzipan, darling."
(This post was last modified: 07-25-2012, 10:45 PM by Zaari.)
07-25-2012, 10:42 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

then, to avoid being called a crazy, i will give my reasons.
I have played call of duty, only a couple , via rentals or presents, and have not been impressed with any of them as games, i think they would make Awesome Movies, but as games, i dont think they are very good.
now bear in mind all these reasons are 100% subjective and personal for me, and dont worry, graphics do not come into it, i dont care if a game runs on cryengine 3 or build, if the gameplay is what i like from a game, im all over it, if it isnt, i will hate. as i find graphics to be irrelevant, as long as you can see what you are doing and they dont hamper the gameplay with technical issues, then they are good enough for me

1. the storyline,. perhaps its me, but i find COD storylines to be massivley offensive, they are terribly underwritten with lifeless cliche filled scripts filled with needless f bombs and cardboard cut out charachters, they are also hopelessly out of date by having russian communists as the main villains, that sort of thing should have gone out with the 1980s, they are litereally just an excuse for virtual genocide. they are also 100% pro american, with the exception of cod 4, they seem to cram the "stars and stripes" down your throat, by posing the american army as the only people brave, strong and handsome enough to save the world, i presume the rest of us are too busy stumbling around like the warmington on sea home guard after too much of Mrs Fox's elderberry wine... i find that offensive. but then, im not really that keen on americans, so im probably biased.

2. mindless and repetitive gameplay, you walk, you Aim down sites, you shoot loads of people. you walk to the next area, you quick time event, you walk, you kill loads more people, ad nauseum. No Stealth, no Puzzles, no item finding, no map exploration, in my personal opinion, even the earliest examples of the FPS genre such as wolfenstein 3d offer more varied and intelligent gameplay than call of duty ever has.

3. it is Very patronizing, come on, this is obvious, it shows you were to go with waypoints, despite the level being a corridor between invisible walls, they show you how to do objectives with flashing icons, they even tell you what buttons to press! come on, i've got learning difficuilites and im feeling totally patronised!

4. it is impossioble to die. thanks to regen health and "rasperry jam o vision" it is literally impossible to die in a COD game, or clone therof (its also impossible to shoot) just take cover when the jam splatters the screen, there isnt a challenge, you might as well just watch a film.

5. they make me Bored. you walk, you shoot, you take cover, you Qte. thats it, you dont actually need to shoot because the Ai bots will just kill the badguys, they are completly lacking in gameplay in my opinion, but then, as i was raised on Duke Nikem 3d, and other titles, were everything was manual, my idea of gameplay is probably very different to that of a younger person, i dont doubt for a minuite that had i been born in the COD era instead of the Doom era, i wouldnt rank gameplay so highly.

6. Quick Time Events, i hate this in any game, as it, in my opinion takes away gameplay from the player, in short, you have paid 60 pounds for an interactive movie. i mean, they are very boring, you dont do anything, just hammer "U" "S" "A" into the keyboard to not die... zzzzzz. look, if i want to watch mr american muscle man sliding a bike under a truck, ill get a Stallone or Swartzenegger DVD out (and being 80s, they have a better soundtrack than COD to boot), when i play a game, i want to slide the bike in myself, by holding down action and tilting the mouse over hard, if my charachter gets his head ripped off by the driveshaft, i want it to be because i didnt tilt the mouse over hard enough, not because the game decided i didnt enter "U-S-A" with enough college football player fervour.

7. ADS doesnt agree with my autism,. now, this one only affects a few people, myself and a couple of other aspeis i know (i also know some who dont have an issue) the sudden loss of visual range in ads causes my brain to panic! unfortunatly, due to the dynamic scaling crosshairs, you have to use ads, or you wont hit the broad side of a barn! what really angers me is you cant turn the dynamic scaling off! wich i find disgusting because a lot of the erarlier FPS games to have them, even activisions own SOF-II, let you turn them off, that way you only need ADS for sniping, and as sniping is slower paced, i dont go into panic. allowing the player to turn of the dynamic scaling would make COD quite a bit more playable for me, as it is, it gets kind of unplayable. but that one is 100% personal, so probably isnt really all that relevant.

8. Short. 2 hours, 2 little hours and gangzta rap plays as the stars n stripes waves behind the credits.. W..T...F.. ive got older shooters were one Single Level takes more than 2 hours!

9. (shudders) dubstep.. noo! my ears! the muffs! they do nothing! (use voice of Ranier Wulfcastle) its horrible its just all "wubwubwubwobbwobbwubbawubba craaaak" it gives me a headache, perhaps im Really showing my age as a child of the 80s here, but id much rather shoot baddies to "we fight for love" "weres the fire!?" or "never surrender" than "wubbwubbwobbawobbawwubbwubb".

10, Gltiches. run too fast. game freezes. empty the magazine instead of relaoding mid clip, game freezes, look at price's Awsome 'Tache for too long... game freezes. "hey! the games frozen! what? is this the developers day off or something!!" (Conkers bad Fur day)

I just find them very, very boring!

i know, all this is biased against SP, well, i cant comment on MP, again, this is an autism thing, its me personally, i cannot Cope with online multiplayer, this is very odd, i can play penumbra without raising even a sweat. but, put me into an online multiplayer match in any game, and i freak out! i just cant play it, so i cant comment on it,. perhaps its because i cant see who im playing against...

in COD's Defence however, i will admit, as boring as it is to play, its massive action setpeices make it breathtakingly exiting to watch, its why i think COD is in the wrong medium, as a game, i think it is really bad as it lacks gameplay, but as a Movie, i think COD would be awesome. get Connery as price, fassbender as Soap and statham as Gaz. and i would quite happilly que!
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2012, 07:44 PM by the dark side.)
07-26-2012, 07:32 PM
Kazakarumariou Away
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

What? This many people hate it even though it's like one of the most popular multiplayer games?
Is this what people on the forums really think of this game? or does no one here have integrity?
07-26-2012, 08:56 PM
the dark side Offline
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RE: Why i think call of duty is shit.

technically, we could ask the same of those who like it, but that isnt really civilised behavior so i shall refrain.

people will hate what they want to hate and for what reasons they want to hate, same as people will love what they want to love and for what reasons they want to love. you may not agree, but. its a fact of life.

you may hate on say, Sodier of Fortune 2, a game i rank as one of my favourites. its all down to personal opinions. i think you will find the majority of people here hate what COD has done to the games industry turned it into a quagmire of rushed out clones to get fast profits that will only lead to another games crash and the loss of a lot of jobs.

as for asking about integrity however. thats a bit harsh isnt it?, all i can say is, i hope you've got an asbestos keyboard as this place is probably going to ignite.. you may want to reword!
(This post was last modified: 07-26-2012, 09:21 PM by the dark side.)
07-26-2012, 09:09 PM

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