Hi, I'm trying to make a model of Kayako Saeki (a girl that appears in Ju On, a Wii game) and took two days to import it to the Custom Story.
First, if I export the BRRES file (original Wii file model of Kayako) as OBJ, then convert it to DAE with Blender, the problem is that the model hasn't got the skeleton and I can't animate it and make it move, but I can see the textures and so.
But if I export the BRRES file as MD5Mesh and open it with Blender with help of a script (
link), I can see the skeleton of the model and also I can import the animation MD5Anim, but I can't see the textures/material of the model. And, if I export that project as a DAE file and try to open it with ModelView, it crashes.
Please, I need someone to help me, I want to end that model before this week ends if possible...