Played through up until the part Harthex is stuck at (I'm stuck too) not bad so far. Here are some suggestions for improving overall quality:
-When using billboards, use many different angles to make sure there are no visible "flat" ends showing.
-Avoid "Item Dumping" (giving the player every resourcex10 in the beginning of the map)
-Make sure fog is properly colored and doesn't cut into the ground or nearby walls/entities
-Be sure to use a box light, even if its very faint; having a pitch black corner in a room with a light source really doesn't make sense when you consider how far light really spreads in an environment.
-Tone it down a bit on the jumpscares

Amnesia is all about subtlety, not loud noises and things suddenly moving
-Use a more logical level progression; i.e. not a bedroom into a dungeon, it just doesn't make sense
-Don't set every entity to static physics; the physics increase immersion by allowing the player to freely interact with the environment as they see fit, by selectively not allowing it, it's is just strange
-For global ambient sounds that loop (i.e. cave/sewer drip, ambient stuff like that) use "PlayGuiSound", when you place it in the level editor it makes a very weird and unnatural 3d effect, and is very noticeable and somewhat annoying when wearing headphones.
-Finally, make sure the player start areas are touching the ground; if the ground is at a vertical (Y-axis) height of 0, the start area should be as well.
I hope you take these things into consideration; by constantly testing your maps, many of these things can be noticed by the developer and solved.
I rate it 3 memes.