first of all make an Checkpoint with:
CheckPoint (string& asName, string& asStartPos, string& asCallback, string& asDeathHintCat, string& asDeathHintEntry);
here an example:
CheckPoint ("mycheckpoint", "mystartposition", "myvoidafterIdie", "Categorynamewhenyoudie", "entrynamewhenyoudie");
so after that(you can make this check point anywhere like when you touch an area or just when you pick up an item also you have to make an startposition for when you start when you die)
void myvoidafterIdie(string &in asName, int alCount)
SetEntityActive("monster", true);
and for in the .Lang file:
<CATEGORY Name="Categorynamewhenyoudie">
<Entry Name="entrynamewhenyoudie">pu text you want to see when you die here</Entry>
I hope you get it

if not just ask.