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Creepiest Ambiance?
Froge Offline
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Creepiest Ambiance?

Which background music in Amnesia creates the darkest and scariest atmosphere?

Personally I like amb_06, I think that it creates a very powerful sense of imminent dread. But amb_23 (transept) I feel is probably the creepiest. I also have no idea what instrument produces that strange "eeeeenh" sound in the music of that ambiance.

[Image: p229xcq]
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2012, 08:10 PM by Froge.)
08-08-2012, 08:09 PM
Deep One Offline
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

Yep, transept's music is the creepiest. Another great and very eerie track is that one which plays in chancel. I get shivers every time when I listen those tracks.
08-08-2012, 08:31 PM
Kurton Offline
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

07 - Amb for me. I don't remember where it was played, but what on earth is that sound!

08-08-2012, 08:40 PM
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

03_amb.ogg pls

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2012, 08:42 PM by Damascus Rose.)
08-08-2012, 08:41 PM
Potato Offline
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

EditTonguerepare for lots of tracks I've added.

I can't really listen to the music right now, my audio driver gave out, and I can't name any names off the top of my head, but the one that plays in the Archives is creepy (which I believe is also in the chancel ^ edit, nope. 07_amb), the one that plays late in the game that plays during the beginning of Justine is cool(edit: 25_amb), and the idle theme for the Suitors is pretty creepy, if that counts. Oh, and the eerie "aaAAAHHHH" sounding music in the Library of Justine is creepy, too. (edit: 21_amb)

Edit: Finally installed a correctly working sound driver (m.bisonyes) and I checked over. Also, I didn't remember this one, but it's really creepy, and probably one of my favorites, event_darkness. The one that's used alot in the sewers and in Basile's Basement. event_brute (the morgue one) is one of my favorites too, and here's a list of ones that I don't exactly remember the origin:

02_amb_strange- I got organsms. cwhtididthere. 10_amb, it feels safe, and sorta cozy and homey. lolnope, closet time. 22_amb, it has an eerie feel, the bouncy sounding sounds are creepy too. I've only remembered it as the Justine menu theme. 23_amb02, the off chordey sounds just creep me out.

[Image: o8JPTkt.jpg]
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(This post was last modified: 08-08-2012, 10:17 PM by Potato.)
08-08-2012, 08:46 PM
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

23, 29, 18 and extra02.

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08-08-2012, 08:54 PM
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Melvin Offline

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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

att_suitor.ogg....... ow god

[Image: 25F7U37.png]
08-08-2012, 09:04 PM
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

I don't know anything about the ambient tracks, but the most creepy ambiance of any area in the game is in the storage IMO. The music is by far the scariest, it's really dark and everything about it feels wrong once you step inside. That entire sequence was incredibly well executed I think.
08-08-2012, 09:06 PM
Zaari Offline

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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

(08-08-2012, 09:04 PM)SmokeMelvin Wrote: att_suitor.ogg....... ow god
That's not really an ambiance track, though.

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(This post was last modified: 08-08-2012, 09:51 PM by Zaari.)
08-08-2012, 09:50 PM
Fomzo Offline
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RE: Creepiest Ambiance?

The best one is from Penumbra...I don't remember the name but it had an "11" digits and was used in the Abduction CS (Storage part).
08-08-2012, 10:15 PM

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