The Attic: Chapter Three
Play the previous chapters.
Custom soundtrack
Custom Models
Custom Sound Effects
Custom Textures/Skyboxes
A great conclusion to the story.
What other players have said:
"Fantastic! The hole story is so exciting

This custom story, is unlike others. Which means that this one is something special. -Tobydansk"
"Loved the atmosphere and buildup along with the storyline. Shame I ruined five pairs of boxers though

"I only give these 10/10 because there is no 11 rating -CidJo"
"This was beautifully done. Focuses on atmosphere and little scares to get you working. -squeedilyplays"
"Thank you sir, for creating this wonderful custom. Despite how short the parts were, I enjoyed it regardless. In the first part, at the beginning, i was feeling a sense of boredom by the simple -find key for the door- task. But then, I felt myself becoming immersed in the map. I was asking many questions to myself about the story plot, and finding the answers, which is a good feeling. A some points, where there was no noise but footsteps, the smashing of doors got to me, I almost leaped out of my chair once *chuckle* The sense of fear overcame me once and a while, I enjoy a good scare, but not cheesy pop ups of naked bodies flying at you, this horror was satisfying and well placed. Once i found the potion, I was a bit confused on what happened after though.
This brings me to chapter 2, as soon as i stepped into that village the sense of fear overcame me again. Finding myself rummaging through houses was becoming a repetitive task, but there was something of use in each house. After finding nothing but a note, oil, health, and sanity potions, i came across the town hall. I had to find a key at the end of a pathway. After being chased by two monsters, some boxes down the path exploded out and made a large noise that freaked me out to the point of falling out of my chair. I came back up laughing. After finding the key and entering the town hall, I've got a feeling I've never had before playing amnesia: happiness. The music, the brightly lit room, even despite the corpse and finding out your mother was murdered, i still felt happy. Bravo sir, for creating that wonderful atmosphere. After exiting the room, exploring the underground and sewers, and getting the hell away from there, and seeing the credits, i found myself clapping my hands.
I cannot wait for chapter 3, i congratulate you sir, for creating a map better than the actual game itself. Excellent story and puzzles, 10/10, good job sir, i cannot wait to find more content from you, congratulations. -Smoothice"