that's funny. I just fired up the game the other day, and finished it today. Great game; too bad I can't get that to run under Linux. I'm sure it's possible, but I'm still Linux illiterate.
last (hidden) level:
Spoiler below!
A short level where you're on some airplane, shooting bad guys and trying to rescue someone, but the plane blows before you can rescue him.
Jeremy-Bailey Wrote:are you sure? every time i played it, it seems timed to go off at the same location.
you have to beat the timer in the upper part of the screen. beat all the bad guys get all the way through and get to the objective in time! basicly you have to do evrything really fast!
Well, Jeremy is kind of correct, when you jump out of the plane, it explodes like 5 meters from the goodguys (You and that hostage). So if we are going to think logic they die becasue you can't stand such an explosion IN THE AIR.