Sorry for posting in Amnesia forum,delete it,i dont know how

Hi all im new,I have cheap shitty gpu Intel gma 3100 on Windows xp sp3 with newest drivers from
I downloaded demo of Penumbra Black Plague...
I tried turorial it worked fine till sneak part when freezed.
I tried playing game without tutorial but just after cutscene loading,screen would not load
it remains black whole the time...i cant really do anything except alt+ctr+delete
I know this must be posted by someone else but im newbie here i dont know how all stuff works here..
I posted this because some people claim that they managed to play all Penumbra series on gma 950
which is crappier than gma 3100...So i was intrested if anyone manage to fix this black screen?
Please some advice,and dont tell to get better gpu...If i could get better one i would not post here.
Thanks here is my hpl.log