Ok so here is the thing, my career goal is to work for a specific 3 letter agency. It is recommended that you know a foreign language and also have foreign travel experience. I am in college and taking Russian language and I also do "street workout" not sure if you heard of it but a quick search on youtube and you will know what it is. Now my favorite street workout group is in the Ukraine,Odessa and I have become friends with one of the guys and we started as friends on steam, but now its to the point where we skype/video chat and he helps me with my Russian homework and workout tips. Now next summer is my only available summer, cause after that i will be doing internships for the 3 letter agency every summer(hopefully). My wish is to travel to Ukraine for the summer and stay with my friend for about a month. Now I see the benefits as:
1. Get to travel out of the country and get that foreign travel experience for my job
2. they say the best way to know a language is to go and live in a country that speaks that language; so therefore my russian will improve greatly
3. I get to hang out with my friend and all these awesome guys that do incredible feats of strength and get to learn from them.
Now the only part that sucks is convincing my parents to actually let me go in the summer. I mentioned to my parents and the 1st thing they said was "And get kidnapped my rebels and we never see you again? And then we will have to call Liam Neelson to save you." (Just recently saw Taken, good movie btw). Now I didnt tell my paretns about my friend that i have been chatting with the last several months, so maybe that will convince them that its safe for me to go. Btw im 18 so i can do what i want, but if i want my parents to help pay for flight i will need their permission. It costs $1500 round trip. Also do you guys think its safe for me to travel to Ukraine and stay with my friend? I asked on another forum site and everyone in the comments all said "YOLO" so serious comments please, and if u have any foreign travel experience pls share. sry for long block of text
here is link to video of guys i will be staying with: they are all my age group to btw 17-19