Hey thomas i hope i spelled it right

anyway and dark and the rest of the administrators i am glad to here of penumbra! i love this game so much number 1 fan!!! lol anyway again i like it how thomas did the animations very glad! and dark for good forum moderating (i hope thats right to xD) and sorry for the bad spelling i got a couple of questions for the fans.
1. where did you here of penumbra.
2. what did you think of the tech demo the very first time you played it.
3. what was your expretions when you first opened a locker
P.S. i heard this game off a freeware list i looked up freeware games because i was bored and i know i might get spyware but as soon as i saw penumbra it said out standing graphics and really awesome physics and first person adventure my eyes dropped to my nuts and sorry for the rude word there.