(10-14-2012, 07:37 PM)Bridge Wrote: Well, here you are. Since this is all written in Guitar Pro which works with MIDI I had to record it off of my soundcard and assemble it in Audacity (took a bit of time). I go through phases of loving this and disliking this but it's probably the most refined of my classical pieces (though it's all over the place).
Wow, the first part of that reminds me of a song by a guy called Benesh from Newgrounds. Unfortunately, he deleted it, but I still have it my computer. Maybe I could temporarily upload it somewhere?
"All over the place" describes it very well. I don't even know what to say about it yet, haha.

Too bad we can't hear it with some better samples. ^^
Hope that wasn't too much trouble, btw. 3: