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Texture, Model & Animation Help Model Editor Problem
ZodiaC Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-24-2012, 02:05 AM)Hirnwirbel Wrote: Well then, resize it to either 2048x2048 (probably way too big performance-wise...but then I don't know how big your model is.) or 1024x1024, 512x512... There are very few game engines that can handle texture sizes that are not a power of two. Not even the "big" engines like Unreal appreciate those "rogue" texture sizes, so I doubt hpl can cope with them. (I could be wrong though - you never know with those crazy indie-engines! Wink )
Well I resized it and it didn't really help so I converted one of DDS into jpg and created mat file from it and after hours of restarts it somahow became visible!!!
I am really confused..
I will leave the tread unsolved so if anyone finds a good explanation share it with us because I have no idea... Huh
By the way the model i was trying to import was a Zippo(I know there is already a custom model uploaded).
Should i upload the model? Here is a picture : http://www.mediafire.com/view/?189m8zi0oyzff74

[Image: 2H1Mc.jpg]
10-24-2012, 05:11 PM
Your Computer Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

In order for the material to be automatically applied in the HPL2 engine to the mesh, the DAE file must reference a texture, the texture must be mapped to the mesh through UV, the MAT file created using the HPL2 Material Editor has to have the same name as the texture (file extension is not part of the file name), and the files have to be placed in a location that the game can find. Both the game and level editor rely on the resources.cfg file to search for files used by the map and objects in the map. The difference between the level editor and the game concerning the resources.cfg file is that the game implicitly adds the custom story's folder to its internal listing when loading the custom story.

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10-24-2012, 09:02 PM
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ZodiaC Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-24-2012, 09:02 PM)Your Computer Wrote: In order for the material to be automatically applied in the HPL2 engine to the mesh, the DAE file must reference a texture, the texture must be mapped to the mesh through UV, the MAT file created using the HPL2 Material Editor has to have the same name as the texture (file extension is not part of the file name), and the files have to be placed in a location that the game can find. Both the game and level editor rely on the resources.cfg file to search for files used by the map and objects in the map. The difference between the level editor and the game concerning the resources.cfg file is that the game implicitly adds the custom story's folder to its internal listing when loading the custom story.
Well my first mistake was that I created the MAT file with 3Ds Max(Forgot about the material editor)...After i found about the material editor I was unable to load my DDS files(material editor was showing empty folder) so I created PNG files.When I loaded the material editor it started to show even the DDS files...After finishing the model in model editor i tried to load it with level editor but the textures was invisible(Even having them with the same name) so I resized the files to 1024, redid all the steps again and after some restarts it worked...Any good explanation???

[Image: 2H1Mc.jpg]
10-24-2012, 10:05 PM
Your Computer Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-24-2012, 10:05 PM)belikov Wrote: Well my first mistake was that I created the MAT file with 3Ds Max(Forgot about the material editor)...After i found about the material editor I was unable to load my DDS files(material editor was showing empty folder) so I created PNG files.When I loaded the material editor it started to show even the DDS files...After finishing the model in model editor i tried to load it with level editor but the textures was invisible(Even having them with the same name) so I resized the files to 1024, redid all the steps again and after some restarts it worked...Any good explanation???

The HPL2 editors tend to rely on cached data rather than constantly reading from the file system and parsing files. This means that even if you make changes to the mesh, and therefore the DAE file, if you don't restart the editor, importing it may show no changes. Also, the editors, when listing files within its file browser, do not update their listing for directories already listed. To refresh its listing you have to move up one level in the file system and then re-enter the directory you were in, or simply restart the editor and navigate to the folder again. Any other issues related to this may be caused by the Windows Virtual Store.

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(This post was last modified: 10-24-2012, 11:06 PM by Your Computer.)
10-24-2012, 11:02 PM
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ZodiaC Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-24-2012, 11:02 PM)Your Computer Wrote: The HPL2 editors tend to rely on cached data rather than constantly reading from the file system and parsing files. This means that even if you make changes to the mesh, and therefore the DAE file, if you don't restart the editor, importing it may show no changes. Also, the editors, when listing files within its file browser, do not update their listing for directories already listed. To refresh its listing you have to move up one level in the file system and then re-enter the directory you were in, or simply restart the editor and navigate to the folder again. Any other issues related to this may be caused by the Windows Virtual Store.
Well this sounds logical but maybe you could explain me one more problem...I tried to import a mobile phone this time(Contists of Screen and the skeleton) so I created two mat files and the model editor seems to load it properly but when i press Start model test it dissapears...

[Image: 2H1Mc.jpg]
10-25-2012, 12:05 PM
Your Computer Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-25-2012, 12:05 PM)belikov Wrote: Well this sounds logical but maybe you could explain me one more problem...I tried to import a mobile phone this time(Contists of Screen and the skeleton) so I created two mat files and the model editor seems to load it properly but when i press Start model test it dissapears...

I don't have an explanation for that, but the way it works in there is not exactly how it works in game. Take for example the enemy suitor. Testing out its animations shows a suitor whose animation is about at least two times slower than what it is in game. The HPL2 editors were never declared as completely stable by Frictional Games. Worry more about how it acts in game and not in the editors.

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10-25-2012, 10:14 PM
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ZodiaC Offline

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RE: Model Editor Problem

(10-25-2012, 10:14 PM)Your Computer Wrote: I don't have an explanation for that, but the way it works in there is not exactly how it works in game. Take for example the enemy suitor. Testing out its animations shows a suitor whose animation is about at least two times slower than what it is in game. The HPL2 editors were never declared as completely stable by Frictional Games. Worry more about how it acts in game and not in the editors.
But if the model doesn't work properly in editor that means(usually) it won't work in the game either... :/
I guesse it's the cached data that causes this problem because it tries to load the wrong mat files even though i put them in different folders or delete them and when i force it to load the right files it show nothing in the test,in the model viewer,and in the game(Not always)...
So thank you very much for the explanation!

[Image: 2H1Mc.jpg]
10-25-2012, 11:35 PM

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