Got some news concerning my story
The Dark Depths. One good and one bad (unfortunately).
Good News: After spending time on thinking a good story, I finally thought up one that should be great. Although the story overall would be short, it should be plenty scary.
Bad News: In Blender, when I first open it, creates a simple cube. I decided to test its .dae export and exported the simple cube to try to open in Amnesia (before trying to make a monster for Amnesia). While the ModelEditor claimed to have imported the dae file, when I selected it (as I put no textures on it) nothing appeared; even after using its material option to give it a texture it was still invisible (not even a visible wire frame as with the Penumbra stuff). I decided to import this dae into Blender to see if it had some kind of problem, but it opened fine in Blender.
I still plan on doing the story, but currently thinking on how to have my monster seeing I can't use Blender to do it. If any of you have suggestions other than using a model editor, please feel free to post them. Although I will be busy, I will read all you post here (so I want to thank you ahead of time

I will keep my story a secret, but below are the basics just to help you think on a monster---
Darkness You're deep down in the ocean, thus you're in the layer with no sunlight whatsoever. You have no carry-on light source (got damaged during descent) so you're sight is limited. Should a creature or object be seen you'd have to be very close to it.
Realistic/Possible After re-playing "Penumbra" I loved its semi-realistic feel. Things like the Tuurngait and monster-sized land worms are more scifi aspects, but over all felt real. I want this story to be one that this could really happen. So I want a monster that is realistic/possible. The ocean is largely unexplored, seeing that only 5-10% is explored. The 43' Giant Squid, while living at a known depth of 2000 meters, has remained elusive to all attempts to record it in the wild. Below are the basic stats I want my monster, while keeping to the realistic/possible feel.
**[Spoiler] This monster I want living 4000 meters down; swims up to eat the Giant Squid at times; is powerful/strong enough to stand up to a 60' male Sperm Whale (as they also eat the squids so a contest between the two would be inevitable. Thus far in history, other than man, only a Megalodon has been known to take on a fully grown male Sperm Whale). [End Spoiler]**
Considering that you see an object when it when you're basically right on it, the monster would be seen at some point, even though you might not see all of it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Now if one of you want to work with me in this project, feel free to ask.
As it is Halloween, a scary monster would be great. I jsut found this fella online No idea who made it, but did a wonderfull job on this giant horror. Looks like ot could swallow a MEG whole! Happy Halloween!