Decided to take up training again (after three weeks of playing computer games).
Managed to do 2 and a half ones.
2 and a half more. (It's not even progress anymore - wtf?)
I spent a day playing computer games.
3. That's like a half more, but it was retarded ones.
3, if you can call them that. I didn't go all the way down.
3 *and a half*. Finally progress!
I've been slacking off for a full week.
Today I suffered the humiliation of doing pushups in public: "God, they're so retarded! You're doing them all wrong! You're only doing half ones!"
I made three and a half again - retarded ones, of course.
I've been slacking off for four days, and this time I can only manage to do TWO retarded pushups. I'm officially going backwards!
Almost a full WEEK of slacking off, but despite of that, I managed to recover from my previous defeat, by doing FOUR and a half pushups (although they were somewhat retarded). I wonder if that's some kind of a record for me.
Half a week (four days) worth of slacking. Four and a half (somewhat retarded) pushups again. I really don't think I can overcome my retardation, no matter how much I try, but we'll see.
Five. (Just assume they're somewhat retarded from now on.)
...and back to four and a half again, damnit.