1. Open ModelEditor
2. Press file -> Open, and open up servant_grunt.ent
3. Press Settings -> User defined variables
4. Scroll down till' you find BreakDoorAttackDamage
5. Change the values to a desired amount, 100 would for example make the grunt break the door in one hit.
6. Save your enemy as a new one with a different name inside your custom story entities folder. (DO NOT OVERWRITE THE ORIGINAL FILE).
7. Done!
. (11-16-2012, 12:56 PM)Storfigge Wrote: Yea I've been posting quite a lot recently
but I'm quite the noob on this but here's my problem.
How do I do so a grunt for example breaks a door in 1 or 2 hits? At the moment i think it takes them about 4 hits to break a door.