(11-30-2012, 08:45 AM)naseem142 Wrote: (11-30-2012, 08:44 AM)beecake Wrote: Area you going to make it like Frictional Games did?
Because they didn't do that.
They had a separate copy of the start of the map, and when you collide with an area you get teleported to the waterpart
I was thinking to do like that but it's too much work ._.
Are there any other solutions?
if not i guess i'll have to do like frictional games did 
It's not so much work, naseem.
Just Ctrl+D the map you made and then set up the environment. It's this:
void TeleportPlayer(string& asStartPosName);
with asStartPosName the start area where you will get teleported. FadeOut, teleport, fade in, it's super easy.