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Voice actors
ElectricRed Offline

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Voice actors


Hi, as my custom story Obscurity is coming close to completion, I need some voice actors to perform in some flashbacks and dialogue sequences. So far I need 1 major role, and 1 minor role.

1. Main Character's Father (TAKEN)

This character is involved in quite a few flashbacks and most likely a dialogue scene near the end. An adult male voice is required, preferably deep. A british accent would be nice, but is not required.

For this voice, I'd prefer an audition. Whoever is interested can record the following test lines and I'll pick the one I like the most to record the rest of the lines.

Father's lines are starred. *

Audition Lines:
*Come along now, Elizabeth. Don't fall behind.

I don't like it down here... It's dark, and these shoes hurt my feet.

*Just a little bit further, okay?

Daddy, why do I have to wear this dress? It's too fancy.

*It's for the ceremony, you're supposed to dress up nice.

If it's such an important ceremony, why isn't Simon coming?

*Your brother doesn't need to come. This ceremony is about you, remember?

Yeah, but I still don't understand...

2. Main Character's Mother (TAKEN)

This character speaks in one flashback, and only has a few lines. Almost any adult female voice will suffice. Again, I prefer a british sounding accent, but it's not absolutely necessary.

The following lines are the only times she speaks, so an audition is not necessary. You can just post the lines and I'll pick the one that I like the most.

The mother's lines are starred. *

Flashback 1:
Quote:*Good night Elizabeth.

Wait mommy, can you check my closet?

*Why? You know there won't be any monsters in there.

But monsters are real mommy! They wander the village at night, I've seen them.

*Hush child, that's just your imagination playing tricks on you. Now please settle down and go to sleep.
Flashback 2:
Quote: *Elizabeth, Simon! Get away from there! How many times have I told you not to play by the fountain!

That's it for now! Thanks!

[Image: 9lkjf4.jpg]

(This post was last modified: 12-21-2012, 04:18 PM by ElectricRed.)
12-15-2012, 09:40 PM
kartanonperuna Offline
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RE: Voice actors needed! (Male and female roles available)

I will try father tomorrow.

Voice actor

Painful shadows

12-16-2012, 12:34 AM
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ElectricRed Offline

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RE: Voice actors needed! (Male and female roles available)

So... Any takers?

[Image: 9lkjf4.jpg]

12-17-2012, 09:54 PM
Foxfyre Recluse Offline
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RE: Voice actors needed! (Male and female roles available)


Here is my audition for the father.

Voice Actor:
My website is http://www.chrismarcellus.org. You will find my demo on this site.
Feel free to PM me for work.
12-18-2012, 06:01 PM
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ElectricRed Offline

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RE: Voice actors needed! (Male and female roles available)

Alright! The father role has been filled by Foxfyre Recluse, and the main antagonist is going to be filled by kartanonperuna! They are both very talented, and I'm excited to work with them.

The female role is still available. Anyone interested? It's a small role, so it doesn't require too much work. Smile

[Image: 9lkjf4.jpg]

12-19-2012, 10:24 PM

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