(01-06-2013, 11:56 PM)Danny Boy Wrote: Just quoting what I said on the YT vid:
"The trailer is really fucking terrible. But It does seem
you gave some effort to it. And the mod does look interesting. I might
keep an eye on this.
Ps: You might wanna fix the grammar on the description. Cuss there is no "heloing" on my dictionary "
Terrible... You might wanne slow down a bit..
It''s my first vid ever...
There will be a "PERFECT" one later when the Mod is finished...
Some effort....
I don''t think youve been watching carefully...
When this is finished... I think you will delete all the messages you wrote..
I''m busy for this for 2 months now... and Just 2 maps are NOT EVEN finished...
Been working for 8 hours+ a day... so count.... That''s aLOT of hours\work pon this already..
Better NOT watch this is youre not interested already... Keep away from this post and me..
Don;t want to argue about anything.. but......
There are things you havent seen yet..
NEVER been seen on any story of full converison!
Continue at the mod now!
..... Grammar mistakes... I''M sorry.. was doing this treath quick!
AND english is N O T my main language..
The MOD will be translated by an american guy.. dont worry about that!