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Work in progress Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)
hbcAntonio Offline
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Photo  Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Amnesia: The Dark Descent custom story 'Black Death'.

Hello, everyone! I am Antonio Henrique and I am very pleased to share my first 'official' project with you guys. I am also new here, so I do not know if I posted in the right section of the forum. If I did not, please let me know.

Hey guys, I noticed the thread is almost dead here despite the views, but I had the plan of posting screenshots anyway. So, I hope you enjoy it. Remember, soon I'll post the demo here. Also, I'll get a page on moddb and when I do, I will insert the link here.

[Image: 2013-01-01_00005_zps4a49d27e.jpg]

[Image: 2013-01-01_00001_zps16eea198.jpg]

[Image: 2013-01-01_00004_zps9fc4dbb7.jpg]

[Image: 2013-01-01_00010_zps897c8175.jpg]

History named it the Black Death episode, described as a plague that killed millions in Europe. The fact is... There was no plague at all.

Risen from a secret and violent war between The Brethren of the Free Spirit and the Catholic Church, a terrible power corrupted those standing in its way and left a bloody trail behind. The whole truth was sealed in an ancient artifact, which held memories revealing what really happened.

Almost four centuries after the events, an archaeologist named Sir Thomas Parrish, found this artifact during his excavations in Lisbon in 1773, and its power damaged his very self... Forever.

The mechanics of the custom story are pretty much the same we see in the main game, but at the same time it tries to be innovative. Chases are n't the top-used horror resource, so if you're not a fan of run-like-hell this CS is perfect for you.

Instead, I focused on atmosphere, a complex surreal and yet believable ambient. You are supposed to be revisiting memories the way they seemed to Sir Thomas the day he found the Orb (or, another Orb).

As you play with three different characters, the maps, custom voice acting, notes and diaries are there to tell you with whom you are playing, why and how you have gotten there (after all, no one just wakes up in an abandoned place and that is it, there is a guy trying to kill you).

Following the line of the story, the grunts are the personification of the dark power, but they are not the only enemies. I am not saying I put custom foes to hunt you down, but you must pay attention to your surroundings, too. Useless and random boxes, objects and stuff in general may acquire 'life' by the dark power's action and then throw themselves in your direction, accidentally making you trip and break your skull in seventy-two parts - or something like that.

I am soon to release a demo of the Black Death CS. It happens that I do not know exactly when, but I'll stick to this thread and let you guys know (if you approve the main idea of the project). Also, it will be a Custom Story and nof a Full Conversion, as no core mechanics were altered. What I have done is that I modified some entities, such as enemies and objects, based upon the original ones (popularly known as CTRL+C, CTRL+V). This issues won't bother during the install process, as they will just be put automatically in the right folder, not replacing or interefering with the original entities - thus leaving your core game unchanged.

As I do not have the demo yet, I made a video (teaser, actually) to show you just a little bit (little little little bit) of my project. I hope soon I can show you more. Thank you guys, and let me know your opinion. (Also, if my eng. is not all right, forgive me, not native).


Frictional Games owes every resource in the project. The only things I made were some voices. Also, http://justwithit.deviantart.com/art/Exp...-173997537 Skull Drawing from this guy here.
(This post was last modified: 01-01-2013, 06:25 PM by hbcAntonio.)
12-26-2012, 11:01 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Looks good, but that voice acting needs some more work ^^'
01-01-2013, 08:19 PM
GlitchScatter Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

The overall game looks beautiful and the level of detail in the rooms is impressive, but that voice acting gets me every time. There is something about it that just doesn't seem too.... immersed in emotion.. if that makes sense.

Good job so far though. c:
01-03-2013, 11:23 AM
hbcAntonio Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

(01-01-2013, 08:16 PM)Robosprog Wrote: Screenshots look good, and it looks like you put care into the story.. time to fire up Amnesia again when it comes out. Looking forward to playing this.
Thank you! It is really nice to know someone is looking forward to what I am doing. And yes, the story demanded a lot of time. I wanted it to be solid, with real basis on it.

(01-01-2013, 08:19 PM)Traggey Wrote: Looks good, but that voice acting needs some more work ^^'
Hey there, thanks for the reply. Well, I always thought my voice acting was terrible, guess I'll need help here in the forum. Or I'll have to figure out some way to tell you some key-points in the story without using voices (also, they are mainly used - or will be mainly used - to confuse the player).

(01-03-2013, 11:23 AM)GlitchScatter Wrote: The overall game looks beautiful and the level of detail in the rooms is impressive, but that voice acting gets me every time. There is something about it that just doesn't seem too.... immersed in emotion.. if that makes sense.

Good job so far though. c:
Wow, I like how you put it 'impressive'. I'm really spending time when it comes to mapping - details are everything, they also they you story and they also are part of the level design. About the voice acting... yeah, yeah, I wasn't born for that... )': Anyways, I'll try to get some help or -- maybe, only maybe -- improve my voice acting (disastrous, could be a waste of time...).
01-03-2013, 03:09 PM
GlitchScatter Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Quote:Wow, I like how you put it 'impressive'. I'm really spending time when it comes to mapping - details are everything, they also they you story and they also are part of the level design. About the voice acting... yeah, yeah, I wasn't born for that... )': Anyways, I'll try to get some help or -- maybe, only maybe -- improve my voice acting (disastrous, could be a waste of time...).

Voice acting can be tough, I've voice acted for a few little things before and I can tell you, emotion is everything.

Just keep practicing and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it! Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2013, 09:31 PM by GlitchScatter.)
01-03-2013, 09:30 PM
hbcAntonio Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Hey guys, I decided am going to give it a try. Later I'll post my performance here and you tell me what you think about it. I'll try reading some texts I plan to use in my CS.
01-05-2013, 06:50 PM
hbcAntonio Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Sorry for the long period I didn't post anything new. I am quite busy traveling for seminars and stuff. Anyway, I'd like to say (sorry for the bump and) that I am working on the CS and it will be finished. I polished the scare system (goosebumps, more precisely) and tried to keep jumpscares very rare. About voice acting, not a chance. I am talking to someone already, about voice acting. I hope to post something new very soon. That is it, if you are new to the post please leave your comment on my CS. Thanks anyway, Antonio.
01-19-2013, 03:21 AM
CranstonofBoston Offline
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RE: Black Death - Lisbon Excavation (Updated: Screenshots!)

Nice voice acting! No reverb - which I like!

Let the dead eat the dead.
02-08-2013, 05:23 AM

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