Quote: Pick the problem Script Areas and on the right of the Level Editor, pick the "Area" tab. Remove anything in the entrybox labeled "PlayerInteractCallback".
...And after 2 years of self learning and experimenting with the HPL2 editor, jssjr90 finally figures out that you don't need a function name in the entrybox labeled "PlayerInteractCallback" or "PlayerCollideCallback" box, the function only needs to be declared in the script file itself!
Boy...I should get the most over looked award of the year! I thought by doing what ive been doing was correct and did not come to my thought to try other means of doing scripts. Now I half to go back though all the 65 levels and go though all the scripts that are collide script areas and leave that box blank! 2 years ive been doing this!!! I am so special!
Thank you Statyk for ending my frustration with this hand icon thing. And it only took be 2 years to get there. Well its 4:58am and im tired. Been working on that castle, adding land in front of it. Anyways, the tinyist mistakes are mostly overlooked. Like finding your car keys or remote. Good night.