Hey guys !!
I just finished playing bioshock 2 and I love it. Although it's kinda short, but still, the story is awesome. And there are some bugs in the game, but that doesn't matter. What do you guys think about the game ?
While I enjoyed playing Bioshock 2, I much prefered the first Bioshock. Now that doesn't mean the second one was a bad game, in fact at least the gameplay was definitely improved. But it just felt completely unnecessary to me.
The first one had already said everything there was to say about Rapture and its characters, there were no loose ends and it had a plot twist that will always be remembered as one of the best in gaming history ever. It was a perfectly self-contained story is what I'm saying and it didn't need any more additions.
Tacking on a sequel in the same setting just felt very unimaginative to me and ensured that the second game just couldn't have the same impact as the first one. Which is why I'm quite glad that they're finally putting Rapture aside and making a "sequel in spirit" with Bioshock Infinite.
Besides, playing as a Big Daddy, while certainly fun gameplay-wise, just felt very wrong to me. I mean, you had these tragic, de-humanized and beautifully symbolic creatures in the first part. And then they let you play as one just because it's kinda cool, but they have to somehow come up with an explanation as for why you have free will and plasmids while all the others don't.... I don't know...it felt very awkward in the context of the whole established setting.
So all in all, a good game but I think they shot themselves in the foot by having it be a direct sequel.
I wasn't as big of a fan of the core game's story. But, the gameplay improved and the art lived up the the original. Had a unique-enough spin on Rapture. Loved the under water sequences.
The DLC, Minerva's Den is what shines about BioShock 2, though. Such a good story, blows the main game away.