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Zelda Majora Mask
the dark side Offline
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RE: Zelda Majora Mask

i dont beleive that violent games cause violence, thats like saying playing majoricas mask will make you an apocalypse conspiracy theorist, or a creep in an elf costume who preys on kids. (seriously nintendo, zelda is meant to be a family game...so why are the maps sold by a peadophile?) i dont belive in it at all, heck no, if i did, i CERTAINLY wouldnt have my own FPS Ip. look, if violent videogames caused people to become violent, if you take the number of years i have played wolfenstein 3d Alone, let alone the 100s of other first and third person shooters i own, my MASSIVE collection of 80s and 90s action movies (mainly Arnold, Sly, and Vanne Damme) most on original VHS, the beat em ups i have collected over the years,, i would have caused a small scale local genocide before now, as it is, i find real life violence to be complete and total utter Anathema! i am living proof that violent videogames cannot breed violent people, dont forget, i also have Aspergers Syndrome, that makes me prone to take media literally, if there is anyone who is likely to be sent violent by violent media, its me, and,... it hasnt happened, so this idea that violent games make people violent is horse-pucky.

i do beleive however, that certain kinds of violent videogames, such as call of duity and its clones, that have violence as the ONLY gameplay mechanic, are attracting an Already Insane, dangerous audience, and they are that way before they start playing games, because they are very simple and very, very easy, wich is causing the games to act as a catalyst wich accelerates there outburst of insanity, so, instead of shooting up the post office with an AK when they are 40, the catalyst effect of these Moronic genocide fests, means they instead shoot up a cinema with an AK when they are 14.

what i think is, a Certain Type of Violent Videogame needs to be banned. that is the call of duty type, as i have noticed a LOT of its fanbase is highly agressive, Extremely mentally unstable, and owns fully automatic firearms in real life. this is not a good combination, these users are not sent insane by games no, they are insane to begin with, but i feel these users gravitate to those kinds of games, as they exist PURELY to allow the player to kill as many virtual soldiers as possible within a 4 hour campain limit. there are no puzzles, no challenge, no story, no exploration elements, they exist purely for killing, and the PROMOTION of war as something cool. war is not cool, war is a sin. end of. they use them to fulfill there sick genocide fantasies, unfortunatly, there is always going to be the one who decides to do it for real...

i feel that sort of game should be banned, as a very sick and twisted audience are gravitating to it. by depriving them of it, they will gravtitate to something else, probably pornography, wich will cut down the number of shootings, as they are not inspired to carry out the acts they have perfomed in battlefield 3 for real life, yes, youll still get these shootings, as there will always be nutters who just want to kill, but i think the number will be SERIOUSLY reduced.

yes, keep making violent videogames by all means, as they are not a threat if the right audience plays them, but Stealth, Tactics, a Storyline, Exploration, and the Decrying of war should be legally MANDATORY elements so as to keep the psychopaths who make them a threa because they are being played by the wrong audience, from gravitating to the games, as they often dont have the patience for stealth, story or exploration, this "war is cool, just kill russians" kind of game, has GOT. TO. GO. it attracts a very dangerous audience, that more stealthy, exploration based violent games dont attract, because they dont have the patience required.

i hope that clarifies my opinion better.

after all, if you look logically, ZELDA is a violent game. you use swords do you not? you kill monsters do you not? the monsters can also kill you can they not? see what i mean, i wouldnt even play zelda if i beleived that "violent games make people evil" mumbo spread around by scared, pathetic little people who think we should still be sitting in front of spinningwheels all day long only leaving it to ride to church in a horse and trap.

also, Crud, ive got the wrong official, Aldigheri has kindly informed me in PM that its vice president biden whos researching into violent media, not obama, and only researching, not banning. sorry if ive casued american users any offence, my news outlet, euronews, has been feedling be a crock of bull. i will edit my previous posts.
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2013, 09:17 PM by the dark side.)
02-04-2013, 07:38 PM
Kman Offline
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RE: Zelda Majora Mask

So what you're telling me is that hundreds of millions of people all over the world are deranged trigger happy maniacs that are about to snap at any moment, the majority of them being 10-14 year olds, just because they play a video game you dislike?


Posting Freak
02-05-2013, 12:02 AM
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Ghieri Offline
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RE: Zelda Majora Mask

*cough* different thread, pls?

[Image: tumblr_n6m5lsQThQ1qc99nxo1_250.gif]
02-05-2013, 02:45 AM

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