(02-06-2013, 09:52 AM)nixxx60 Wrote: HIa im making a amnesia custom story and i need some help I have made part of my custom story and its all done correctly in story settings.cfg file i made image jpn file and all other stuff
ImgFile = "will.jpeg"
Name = "tutorial"
Author = "nixxx60"
MapsFolder = "maps"
StartMap = "tutoiral.map"
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_1"
Wat is wrong with this cus when i go to my custom storys in amnesia my custom storys NOt There PLZ HELP!!!! it would really help when im done i will
put link for it 
Here is how it should of been made like this:
ImgFile = "will.jpeg"
Name = "tutorial"
Author = "nixxx60"
MapsFolder = "maps/"
StartMap = "tutoiral.map"
StartPos = "PlayerStartArea_1"
There. Make sure in your maps file, there is a tutoiral.map. And also make sure your custom story is at;
Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories
Otherwise, it wouldn't work. Hope this helps. Also, give me a rep if it succeeded.