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What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)
Kilseno Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Well, they are incredibly starved and mutilated, in addition they have all those metal pieces on their bodies and yet they are so strong and fast. Grunt had his claws, Brute had his fang or whatever that metal sharp piece was while Suitors are able to kill you with one hit of the bare hand. They're definitely the strongest of all the monsters in my opinion. Just look at Malo tearing apart the metal door with one hit or removing the box obstacles out of his way and you'll know there is something special about them Tongue
01-20-2014, 08:28 PM
DreamScripters Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

In order from most favorite to least favorite. (Or most scary to least scary.)

1. Malo
2. Brute
3. Kaernk
4. Basile
5. Shadow
6. Alois
7. Grunt

Possible spoilers below...

Malo is my most favorite because... when I was being chased by him it felt like I was about to pass out. It was the most intense feeling I have ever experienced in a horror game. I literally had heart palpations shortly after it was over. Very intense... (Nothing funny with this one. XD)

Brute is second because of just the alienated whimper sound it made in the old archives... first time I heard it I had cold chills run down my back. Very disturbing feeling. And also the fact they are very fast, break down doors with ease, and do incredible damage to the player. (Only real funny moment I have had with this guy is when you're able to stand on his head or make him forget about you by putting something in front of your face.)

Kaernk is third because of its ability to instantly give you a phobia of water. XD But on a serious note it does cause some very intense scenes. First encounter with it made my heart race through the whole water map. It was defiantly a experience to remember. (Hmm, nothing to funny except when you finally get out of reach of it and you can finally chill.)

Basile is next because of the environment he was put in. The fact that you have to crawl your way around the library while avoiding him is a very intense feeling. Especially when you are about to the door and he is right behind you... (Nothing really funny I remember from this guy either.)

Shadow, while being in its form not that scary until the one chase scene you have with it near the end of the game is yet again another very intense moment. (Nutin' funny bout dis... "thing".)

Alois, was pretty scary being because it was your first "real" encounter with suiters so you don't exactly know how to react so you just hide yourself in the cell and wait hoping to god he will not find you. (Funny things? I have been able to get in the rafters of the room that he spawns in and pelt him with crates and other objects. XP)

And finally! Our last one... the grunt! I put this little guy at last because for some reason the grunt never gave me a super terrified feeling. Probably has to do with how fast it runs, while how fast it can break doors, and inflict damage on the player. And as of now whenever I see a grunt I don't get the same feeling as the monsters above. Just didn't merely effect me as bad as the others. (Too many funny moments to list...)

[Image: header.png]
01-21-2014, 04:22 AM
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Scoffy Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Quote:Malo is my most favorite because... when I was being chased by him it felt like I was about to pass out. It was the most intense feeling I have ever experienced in a horror game. I literally had heart palpations shortly after it was over. Very intense... (Nothing funny with this one. XD)

btw me too Big GrinD
01-22-2014, 02:59 AM
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Amnesia Gamer Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

My favourite monster is "grunt" because of his dangling jaw.

[Image: C1A63EC87DC0F3EF394264D7A9935357A482ED1B]
04-19-2014, 09:01 PM
zixincullen Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

The invisible water monsters after entering the trap doors. You cant see them so you have to listen and observe the water, its really interesting and scary too cuz they can be anywhere. I record the gameplay of amnesia with commentary, do check it out at youtube.com/user/zixinowyong Big Grin
07-25-2014, 12:45 AM
Vodka Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

Probably the brute. The first major encounter in the Morgue was terrifying for me, and most likely anyone who has made it that far. I went looking for a place to hide after sh*tting bricks, but both rooms drained Daniel's sanity. I ended up jumping behind the desk and using the books to block the Brute's "face". Turns out he's WAY smarter than the Grunt, and I ended up getting sliced in half. The only reason I like him is the cow-like groans he makes, but making fun of the way he sounds takes away the immersion. I'll never look at the Brute the same way again. Confused
08-23-2014, 04:33 PM
The Lynx Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

At first it was the Grunt.
Then I met Brute...
08-23-2014, 06:33 PM
A1phA78 Offline
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RE: What is your favorite monster? (SPOILERS)

In my opinion, the scariest Amnesia monster for me was the Brute.
That time when you have to distract it in the sewers before it chases youSad
09-12-2016, 06:46 AM

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