I've just bought Penumbra:Plack Plague and the installer doesn't work.
b0rsuk@Machaka:~/zrzut$ ./penumbrablackplague-2567.sh
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing nixstaller................................................................Extraction failed.
Signal caught, cleaning up
I use Debian Lenny (testing).
The first Black Plague demo had a problem with installer. This is most likely because my /tmp partition is quite small (512MB; I figured I don't really need more because I have 2GB RAM). However I was able to get installer working by simply running it in text terminal (switching with CTRL-F1).
The second Plack Plague demo released a few days later worked just fine.
b0rsuk@Machaka:~/zrzut$ md5sum penumbrablackplague-2567.sh
59a515f5d4800c607ef01c8e6d83eca9 penumbrablackplague-2567.sh