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Airlock by Machine Room
steelpenguin Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago Airlock by Machine Room

First off, thanks for making this game!! I'm SO happy with it, and I bought it the moment I knew it had been released.

However, I think I've found a glitch, as every walkthrough / tutorial I can find that describes this part of the game says the first set of airlock doors should open automatically...

Anyway, I walk up to the airlock (the first set of doors), whether I'm wearing the gas mask or not, and the doors simply do not open. I can't manipulate them, and I get no "examine" icon for them either. They simply remain shut no matter what I do.

As far as I know, they should open, and since I have the gas mask, the second set of airlock doors should open as well and let me into the machine room... Please help! I hope this is just a bug that's easily fixed, or possibly my own ignorance.
05-10-2008, 12:19 AM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Airlock by Machine Room

This might be a bug, I got it during testing but then I could not recreate it. The only solution I had was to load an earlier save and try the doors as soon as possible to fix it.

Now that you managed to get it as well we should be able to look into it and get it fixed, if possible can you upload your saved game with the doors not wanting to open?

You'll find it in ~/Library/Preferences/Frictional Games/Penumbra/Black Plague/ there is a save fold and in one of those sub-folders you can find the file, named the name of the level and the date + time it was saved.
05-10-2008, 11:21 AM
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steelpenguin Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Airlock by Machine Room

Awesome, thanks for the swift reply.

I couldn't get my saved game to upload, so I just put it on my own web server. Here's the link : http://steelpenguin.net/ftp/Storage%20Ro....06_04.sav
05-10-2008, 04:24 PM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Airlock by Machine Room

Great, thank you. We don't allow .sav files at the forum because they are so large. If you .zip the file first it is only 100k big and then it can be uploaded.

Do you have a PPC or Intel processor? The idea with the bug so far is that it might be a PPC specific bug so if you have a PPC then it's closer to solving it Smile

There is an easy fix you can do:
You can open the save with TextEdit, and search for airlockdoor01 & airlockdoor02 when you find one of them if you look down about 22-25 lines there is an entry called
<class type="cEngineBody_SaveData" and below it an entry name="mbCollideCharacter" following that is val="true", change that to false instead of true. You will have to do this for both airlockdoor01 and 02 and then save the file.

Load the saved game and when you go to the doors they will be visible but you should be able to walk through either the right or the left part of the door.
05-10-2008, 05:02 PM
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steelpenguin Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Airlock by Machine Room

jens Wrote:Do you have a PPC or Intel processor? The idea with the bug so far is that it might be a PPC specific bug so if you have a PPC then it's closer to solving it Smile

As a matter of fact, I do! One of the last PPCs off the line before the switch - Dual 1.8GHz G5.

BTW, the game looks beautiful on my Radeon X800 XT. Thanks so much again. It's so great that others out there share my enthusiasm for this style of Lovecraftian horror. You portray insanity so well!

Which actually brings me to another small problem, but I'll post that on a new thread...
05-11-2008, 01:10 AM
BigMacAttack Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Airlock by Machine Room

I was having the same problem with the latest updated version of black plague and I performed the above mentioned procedure by jens. It worked fine for me, i was able to walk through the right hand side of the door. It was mentioned that this is an unsolved problem and i noticed some similarities to what steelpenguin had said so i thought I would put in my 2 cents that may help you pin point the problem. I also have a PPC Mac (Dual 1.42Ghz MDD) and a ATI X800 XT Graphics card. Maybe something with ATI drivers? Anyway thanks for a great game!
02-21-2011, 07:52 AM

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