Helsingborg, Sweden 13th of May,
Penumbra: Black Plague for Mac OS X & Linux released!
Regardless of your computer platform of choice it is now possible to enjoy the full Penumbra: Black Plague experience. Following up on the release of the demo two weeks ago the full versions are now available for $19.99 and can be obtained from http://www.penumbrablackplague.com/site/buy.php.
Mac minimum requirements:

OS: Mac OS X 10.4 or newer

Processor: 1.5Ghz

Memory: 512MB

Video Card: Radeon 9600/GeForce 4(GeForce4MX not supported)
Linux minimum requirements:
Processor: 1 Ghz

Memory: 256MB

Video Card: Radeon 8500/GeForce 3(GeForce4MX not supported)
Misc: Kernel 2.6 or higher
, glibc 2.3
 ,X11R6 with 3D acceleration, For x86_64 CPU, 32-bit environment must be installed
If you have not played the prequel, Penumbra: Overture, we would recommend it before trying Black Plague. Of course Overture is available for Mac & Linux and can be found at http://www.penumbra-overture.com.
A look into the past released
To all dear Windows users,
Before creating Penumbra and before founding Frictional Games, Thomas Grip worked on a game called Unbirth, unfortunately this game was never finished due to various issues. Unbirth was a game much like Penumbra, a first person real-time rendered adventure horror game, but without the nifty physics. During the past two years, players of Penumbra has continually asked if it would be possible to release any working code of the game, and well, Thomas decided that it actually is possible!
An alpha version of the game is now released at http://unbirth.frictionalgames.com as well as a short presentation about the game, how it was made and why it was, sadly, never finished. It is an unstable, but working demonstration and gives an insight into the history of the ideas and design choices that was an inspirational source in the creation of Penumbra.
Digg it!