So what I did was take the original padlock and move a few polygons to make the pad lock look as if it was unlocked. I then proceeded to import it into the model editor where I added the normal padlock texture/material to my pad lock model, added user variables etc etc.
The texture shows up in the model editor but not in the game nor in the map editor. Yes the entity does exist because when I place it in the map editor I can select where I placed it and its wire frame will show up.
Also I have noticed if I deselect the padlock's mesh in the model editor then re-select the mesh; the material I defined for it is empty in the in the box used for defining materials but the texture remains. Same thing happens when I close and re-open the model editor.
Here are some screens I took to shed more light on my situation...
The entity appearing in the map editor with missing textures,A6iMmMe
The entity appearing in the model editor with flawless textures,A6iMmMe#1