I've been trying to figure this out for hours, so I decided to ask it here

I'm working on an Isolated Full Conversion, and every time I want to start it, the game crashes. I checked out lots of tutorials, and I still don't know what the problem is.
I think I messed up something in the resources.cfg
Here it is:
<Directory Path="/_temp" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/fonts" AddSubDirs="false" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/maps" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/textures" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/textures" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/models" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/gui" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/static_objects" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/static_objects" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/sounds" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/sounds" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/main_menu" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/shaders" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/lights" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/billboards" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/billboards" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/entities" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/entities" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/graphics" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/viewer" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/particles" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/music" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/music" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/flashbacks" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/misc" AddSubDirs="true" />
<Directory Path="/qfl/commentary" AddSubDirs="true" />
In the qfl folder I have the resources.cfg, and theese folders:
billboards, config, entities, fonts, graphics, lang, main_menu, models, musics, sounds, static_objects, maps.