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Multiplayer/Co-Op & Frictional Games? NO!!!
Ocean112 Offline

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RE: Amnesia Multiplayer Story!!!!

Indeed this will be spectacular
05-07-2011, 04:21 PM
Ocean112 Offline

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The Multiplayer Story!!!

Im working on a custom story like no-other that actually adds multiplayer servers into the game so that you can play together, the max in a game is 4! and the characters are philip,daniel,red,cop! Work together to complete this story and unlock another story called Survival!, i will release this soon if Frictionalgames says i can, as im not sure if they want multiplayer servers, but this story also allows you to text the people you play with or even use a mic ill release a trailer soon and if your interested in beta testing it pls say so now, but i first need permission from frictionalgames to release this..

Its not only multiplayer you can also solo with a 4man squad like cpu players Wink Ive made the trailer already and i will release soon!!

(Spoiler)=Me and friends testing out my server online and were all hiding in a wardrobe. and i pushed my other friend out as bait to run away!! xD

thats right now you can grab friends and push them xD (The perfect story has just begunWink)
05-07-2011, 04:32 PM
Cryaotic Offline
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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!

It's definitely unique, I hope you don't get too much frak for it being multiplayer, because it's unique and a different take on the game. That's what custom stories are about after all, and why modding is so lovely!

Though I must admit I am curious how you will handle being able to see the other players.

05-07-2011, 04:38 PM
Simpanra Offline
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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!

Ah! Two instances of the same thread? Ahwell xD I still can't wait, and Cryaotic gives a good point =)
05-07-2011, 04:40 PM
Ocean112 Offline

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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!

Hmm youll find out Wink
05-07-2011, 05:17 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Anmeisa Online Idea

What? again whit the multyplayer idea? facepalm GOD!!!
05-07-2011, 05:47 PM
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spamqad Offline
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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!

I was thinking of doing this myself, but i dont have the skill so ill tell you some my ideas. It would take away from the horror if other players were yelling at you while you were being chased by a monster or at another part in the game so you should make it so microphone noise and text get feinter and feinter the farther away from the player, and are eventualy gone. Also try to separate players, that will also add to the horror.Smile
05-07-2011, 08:59 PM
ferryadams10 Offline
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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!


how tha hell u wanna get a multiplayer server?

(And if u get it working Tongue, directly tell me / pm me/add me on msn whatever!!)

Got a nice sofa
Please come and have a seat for a while

05-07-2011, 09:21 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Amnesia Multiplayer Story!!!!

I'd like to see your trailer and a real-time gameplay video.

05-07-2011, 10:12 PM
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Henriksen Offline
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RE: The Multiplayer Story!!!

Or im gonna come to your house and eat your waffles >Smile

no just kiddin, trolololololol Smile

But seriously, release some footage. NOW
05-08-2011, 07:37 AM

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